| FTBL heads up...HBO has a special coming on....

psychojoe said:
On a side note, many still believe to this day that Coach Bryant fluffed that first game on purpose in order to achieve his goals.

You do well to not believe that, Altie. That 1970 defense was terrible even by non Alabama standards. Auburn scored 49 on us that year. Our successes in that 6-5-1 season came when we outscored folks. There was another big surprise in 1971. Besides the wishbone, a defense that had been kicked around in 69 and 70 started playing like an Alabama defense. The combination gave us a totally unlikely chance to win an NC which didn't come to pass because that Nebraska team was much better physically.

Right, psychoJoe. Coach Bryant had too much integrity to ever do that. I guess, much like the Cunningham story, it seems appealing for some to imagine it. They try to make their perception of how they think things were into a reality.
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