Gunman Opens Fire, Hits Congressman Scalise

I caught this on Twitter about an hour ago. As soon as I flipped to the series of news channels on the TV the first comment I heard was a witness said "a guy walked up and asked if it was a Republican or Democratic practice."

I changed the channel.

I suspect it'll be hours before the sensationalism of this story dies away. I also believe it'll be hours, if not days, until we get past the "theory and conjecture" stage of reporting.

Thoughts and prayers...
They did.

Good call on that one...

Just go back to bed Birdman. They left it up long enough is my point, just like all of the Facebook Live video suicides and murders. You're a Liberal, your feelings get hurt with almost every post on this site, everyone knows you're a crusader and crybaby, so let's just leave it at that.
Just go back to bed Birdman. They left it up long enough is my point, just like all of the Facebook Live video suicides and murders. You're a Liberal, your feelings get hurt with almost every post on this site, everyone knows you're a crusader and crybaby, so let's just leave it at that.
IF you say that, you know he's not going to do that.
I suspect it'll be hours before the sensationalism of this story dies away. I also believe it'll be hours, if not days, until we get past the "theory and conjecture" stage of reporting.
And, the downright lies.

This from the Sr. Editor of The Atlantic.

No background check is just a downright lie.
No permit required for carrying a concealed long gun. Well, that's just stupid. (I'm not going to try to get my .30-06 in my pants.)

Just go back to bed Birdman. They left it up long enough is my point, just like all of the Facebook Live video suicides and murders. You're a Liberal, your feelings get hurt with almost every post on this site, everyone knows you're a crusader and crybaby, so let's just leave it at that.

My feelings weren't hurt and you're the one that brought liberal/conservative into the dumb argument. I simply pointed they did delete it so you could stop crying about it.
My feelings weren't hurt and you're the one that brought liberal/conservative into the dumb argument. I simply pointed they did delete it so you could stop crying about it.

Everything you post is targeting politics, so please just stop right there. Personally I think Facebook is full of egotistical people that want to feel relevent and post things about their lives no one truly cares about. I'm not even on Facebook anymore, so no crying over here as I don't even care. Just making a point that your boy Zuckerberg profits off these kind of things and builds traffic.
Everything you post is targeting politics, so please just stop right there. Personally I think Facebook is full of egotistical people that want to feel relevent and post things about their lives no one truly cares about. I'm not even on Facebook anymore, so no crying over here as I don't even care. Just making a point that your boy Zuckerberg profits off these kind of things and builds traffic.

lol what? I dont talk about politics in any posts other than political threads. Lets not forget that I didnt even bring politics up in a thread about politics (this thread), you did. Zuckerberg is a piece of shit IMO by the way so I dont know why you're calling him my boy?

And I find it interesting that you call him my "boy" considering I was responding to you in this post about Zuckerberg...

He's a piece of ****.
Everything you post is targeting politics, so please just stop right there. Personally I think Facebook is full of egotistical people that want to feel relevent and post things about their lives no one truly cares about. I'm not even on Facebook anymore, so no crying over here as I don't even care. Just making a point that your boy Zuckerberg profits off these kind of things and builds traffic.
I've used Facebook for a marketing tool for a few contracts I've had. So, my experience is limited to watching those interactions among the people targeted, their responses, actions, etc.

That said, I don't see it as any different than this forum. It's a place that people hang out and talk about things they enjoy. A good number of them don't need FB to feel relevant. It's just one long conversation(s) about their lives. Now, personally, if I wanted to know a lot of those details I'd ask, in person. But I don't want to know if you're kid went 1 for 3 at their tee-ball game. If I had a vested interest, I'd have been at the game (and I do attend a lot of friends' kids events.)

I brought FB into this thread because I thought it would have been a good idea for them to have pulled that page a lot sooner than they did. We know they monitor content--in some cases to an extreme. In this case, people posting "I'm glad he's dead" is just something that doesn't sit well with me.

In the end this story is going exactly where I thought it would. Some outlets and people telling outright lies, some using this to support their agenda's, and other using it to fuel their own anger and frustration.

I would love to see people return to having respect for the office(s) these people hold WHILE disagreeing with their opinions.
I would love to see people return to having respect for the office(s) these people hold WHILE disagreeing with their opinions.

I'm with you a 100% on the respect the office concept. But shouldn't that start with the people holding the office? I have watched as Obama gave the State of the Union while one side of the isle hissed and popped off like they were a frat group. The words and animosity politicians are expressing in interviews, speeches, and social media to describe their contempt, and animosity for the other side, unfortunately, set the tone for everyone else.

And with this latest tragedy, these very guys being shot at as a group, because of political ideology, have helped create, along with the Democrats, a spirit of animosity and contentiousness for the position they themselves hold so dear. The likes of which most of us haven't seen in our lifetime.
I've used Facebook for a marketing tool for a few contracts I've had. So, my experience is limited to watching those interactions among the people targeted, their responses, actions, etc.

That said, I don't see it as any different than this forum. It's a place that people hang out and talk about things they enjoy. A good number of them don't need FB to feel relevant. It's just one long conversation(s) about their lives. Now, personally, if I wanted to know a lot of those details I'd ask, in person. But I don't want to know if you're kid went 1 for 3 at their tee-ball game. If I had a vested interest, I'd have been at the game (and I do attend a lot of friends' kids events.)

I brought FB into this thread because I thought it would have been a good idea for them to have pulled that page a lot sooner than they did. We know they monitor content--in some cases to an extreme. In this case, people posting "I'm glad he's dead" is just something that doesn't sit well with me.

In the end this story is going exactly where I thought it would. Some outlets and people telling outright lies, some using this to support their agenda's, and other using it to fuel their own anger and frustration.

I would love to see people return to having respect for the office(s) these people hold WHILE disagreeing with their opinions.

Facebook is a good tool to market, get people riled up, and basically talk yourself up. Rolltidebama is a place where people with similar interest discuss something that's near and dear to their hearts, as is the same with hundreds of others on here. No one is posting what they had for lunch, selfies, and hate speech (save for Auburn and Tennessee). Overall it's the same idea, but you have a more respectful and educated crowd assembled here as there is a common draw, not just whatever whenever goes. Facebook was great when it was just college kids posting pictures of Spring Break and their weekends. Safe to say it's moved to an entire different level these days.

As far as pulling content, I agree. Don't let them fool you, they have the capabilities to monitor quicker than any of us can guess. They're not a billion dollar company by accident. Hell, even the AJC forums have filters. I'll make the comment again about the suicides and murders posted on Facebook. Those were viewed by enough people to where Facebook could have taken them down way before. They're essentially giving people a platform and it's escalating the extreme measures people take.

Your last point about respect for the office of the president is spot on. I admit, I never called Obama, "President Obama", made a point not to because the guy stood for about everything I'm against. BUT, I never wished or voiced any harm for him or his family, I never wanted the country or him to fail so I could say I was right. I was hoping he'd prove us all wrong. With Trump, you just get hate on another level to where physical harm is being applauded and encouraged. People refuse to let him do his job. It's a disgrace. People are no longer willing to accept a loss and move on to the next opportunity. Vengence and jealousy are the words I would use to express most of what's going on.
@TUSKstuff It's a bit of the "chicken or egg" scenario, isn't it? I seriously can't tell you at what point it started, or with whom. I don't recall a lot of vitriol from HW. I do remember a lot in the media change their reporting style when "The Gipper" was in the White House. But, I was too young back in Jimmy Carter's day to say one way or another.

I recall reading a book by Charlotte Iserbite (sp) back in the '90's that was titled something along the lines of "The Dumbing Down of America." That created some outrage because she was pointing to the educational system (two decades ago, mind you) and what it would bring. I think it was published in '98, or '99. There were a lot of complaints about what had been taught in college was trickling down to elementary and Kindergarten levels. A lot took offense at her suggestion. In retrospect, was she wrong?

It's a bit ironic to me when we consider our conversations about the product ESPN puts out today. The programming that revolves around "let's argue with each other, loudly" seemingly fits with how more serious issues are discussed today. A lot of us can't stand that type of programming and the majority of us that don't like it don't like how political issues are addressed as well.

one side of the isle hissed and popped off like they were a frat group.

Ya know, that appears to be an everyday occurrence in Britain's Parliament. Yet, I can't say I've seen the same animosity from the citizens of that country. I don't know if that's true or not--that's the appearance. Perhaps we can learn more than one thing from our forefathers.
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