| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC GSon and I are going to the movie again to see Deadpool


Bama Fan since 1965 and counting....

Thursday is my birthday and he taking me to see Deadpool, which I want to watch. He's not old enough, but I do think I am. I'm waiting for him to ask me to take him to see the Batman vs Superman.

By the way, I am paying for all of it anyway.
Do you know Deadpool is rated R. I mean it really earns the R rating for sure. Have you seen the redband trailers for this? I didn't think you would take your grandson because of the movie contents. I already know it is gonna have some serious potty mouth humor and a sex scene. Not to mention a scene in a strip club.Also I already know where Stan Lee has his cameo in it. BTW ,how old is your Gson?

Here are the redband trailers...NSFW.

FYI. Just read that there is a fight scene between two naked men in it.

According to Reynolds himself, the actor will go the full monty in a nude fight scene for his upcoming superhero movie "Deadpool." Wade Wilson will reportedly battle Ajax (Ed Skrein) in the buff while a building burns down around them.

“There was a lot of me there,” Reynolds told the crowd at a BuzzFeed Brews event in San Francisco last week. “There’s nothing else you can do except to just sorta grin, bear it, and go, ‘All right, guys, we’re all going to get to really know each other today. I may be sitting on this man’s face at some point, he may be sitting on mine.’ It was ugly but necessary.”

@Hardkore and @rocknthefreeworld Thanks you guys for the input. Well, crap guys I only watch the first video of the movie, and it being from Marvel. I didn't think it would be that bad. No, we won't be going to see it, but he does like watching for Stan in these movies. Well, it looks like we won't be going this weekend. Again, thank you two for this input about the movie. The Batman vs Superman not coming out till next month.
You can adopt me and take me in his place. I will be seeing it but maybe not until it comes out on Blu-Ray. It is getting great reviews and I kind of want to see a hero with some smartassery.
Definitely seeing this movie. You guys definitely saved @rick4bama from having an awkward conversation with his grandson...
His a 15 year old boy. Going on 30! He a gamer like playing on an xbox, and he use it for his home schooling. You know regular is almost that bad now. But with the way Deadpool is I would had walk out, yes save me.He went to regular school till the 7th grade. He know most of that stuff already, but I'm not added to it.
Well at least there's still a few more Marvel films left for this year that you can share with him, Captain America:Civil War, X-Men:Apocalypse, & Doctor Strange.
It is the funniest movie I have seen in a very long time. Even much of the violence comes across as hilarious. Almost like some Looney Tunes violence in live action.

Also, the opening credits plus the closing credits animation and the post credits scene all delivered some great laughs.
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