| CURRENT EVENTS Government, not religion, is now the "opiate of the people?"

I guess there is an argument here. I have often chastised some I know for saying they are not religious but turning around and sounding like a fire-and-brimstone preacher when it comes to their politics. Some people have replaced their religion with their politics and it shows. My BIL has mostly lost his family because he has determined they are all evil since none can pass his political purity test. That is the exact point to me where it is proven, you start seeing your political opponents as an evil that must be destroyed. And they are worse than Christians because at least Christians believe a sinner can be redeemed, but according to folks like my BIL once you say certain things you are evil forever.

Taking that a step further to chastise both sides in a way, many do see their political leaders as saviors. Look at the Trump supporters who believed all kinds of garbage. Opposed with the supporters of folks like Stacey Abrams who see them as some shining light that will lead people to the promised land of milk and honey where conservatism is illegal and rich people pay for everything. They almost worship their leaders.
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