| FTBL Good interview with Jalen. "Alabama QB Jalen Milroe on Kalen DeBoer, post-Nick Saban life & his toughest venues"

His example about CKD wanting him to celebrate a good play instead of having the mindset of get ready for the next play was interesting. I prefer that he has the be ready for the next play mindset. Will it matter in the end? We will find out.
His example about CKD wanting him to celebrate a good play instead of having the mindset of get ready for the next play was interesting. I prefer that he has the be ready for the next play mindset. Will it matter in the end? We will find out.
I think both are good in their own way. Deboer may be telling him this to loosen him up and get him not to overthink so much. Just go out there, play ball, and have fun.
I think both are good in their own way. Deboer may be telling him this to loosen him up and get him not to overthink so much. Just go out there, play ball, and have fun.
Not trying to be critical of CKD. You do not get the record he has w/o knowing something about motivation. I was just saying what my preference is. I awlays felt even pre CNS that play the next play and do not get to high or low was a good formula. Realistically it probably depends on the player. That is CKD's job to figure out what motivates each player but in a way that still demands excellence. We all know the SEC is a meet grinder and it will eat you alive w/o a move on attitude at some point. Certainly need a ton of mental toughness which I think is what seperates great from good. I will trust CKD knows a thing or two and has it figured out.
His example about CKD wanting him to celebrate a good play instead of having the mindset of get ready for the next play was interesting. I prefer that he has the be ready for the next play mindset. Will it matter in the end? We will find out.
I get what you are saying. I'll go back to something I pointed to a long time ago with this coaching change: the culture has changed.

I see the move as one of confidence.

"Yes, celebrate the play...because we've got another one that's going to be just as successful as the last one."
Could have promised this was gona say "when Courtney Morgan stepped off the plane".
Over the last several weeks I've watched quite a few UDub games...just trying to put in perspective what's on the roster, and what they do with game day coaching.

I'm close to saying Kalen is a better game day coach than Saban. Just my opinion based on what I've watched...
Over the last several weeks I've watched quite a few UDub games...just trying to put in perspective what's on the roster, and what they do with game day coaching.

I'm close to saying Kalen is a better game day coach than Saban. Just my opinion based on what I've watched...
Fully drinking the kool-aid and has the crimson glasses on. Man I hope everything you are saying and believe is 100% dead on.
Fully drinking the kool-aid and has the crimson glasses on. Man I hope everything you are saying and believe is 100% dead on.
I don't know what more to tell ya. The guys offense was ranked at the top the last two years he was at Washington.

I don't think this is "crimson glasses." I don't think it's "kool-aid." I'm just looking at the picture. I'm fortunate enough to know what the 'vibe' is in the building. We all know the roster. (NYC for Jalen.)

Just stop. And watch.

To do what they did, in June? June.
Over the last several weeks I've watched quite a few UDub games...just trying to put in perspective what's on the roster, and what they do with game day coaching.

I'm close to saying Kalen is a better game day coach than Saban. Just my opinion based on what I've watched...
I don’t know enough about DeBoer to agree or disagree. I do know one of Saban’s less than stellar attributes was game day coaching … especially the last few seasons. And I’m talking about X’s and O’s … not personnel decisions. His QB switch during the NC game and then again in the SEC Championship were so intuitive as to be scary. But the past few seasons against even some mediocre teams it felt like Saban got out coached. Of course, not being able to keep coordinators due to so much success certainly played a big part in that. Anyway, I’m a firm believer that most games are won Monday-Friday … actually for Saban most games were won before the season even began. His ability to recruit at the top level year after year, replace coordinators and half a dozen other coaches and keep his players hungry … to be the CEO was unmatched. Coach Bryant said Bobby Dodd was the greatest Saturday coach he ever faced … but he said he was the best coach all week long. And we all know which strength won out over the course of a season and a career. So, while I’m so hoping your belief in DeBoers proves true in spades, I’m not expecting him to duplicate or even come close to matching the magical ride Saban took us Bama fans on from 2007-23. The mathematical odds of Bama having 3 modern football GOATS would break abacus’s all over China and would put tigger fans into an unrecoverable tailspin. I will say this though … if any program can make that happen, it’s Bama. Our fans demand it. It started in the 1920’s and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
I get what you are saying. I'll go back to something I pointed to a long time ago with this coaching change: the culture has changed.

I see the move as one of confidence.

"Yes, celebrate the play...because we've got another one that's going to be just as successful as the last one."
I agree. I will add that it is possible to celebrate good plays and put the bad plays behind you right away.
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