Found a new Barbecue Resturant


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Saw's Barbecue in Homewood on Oxmoor. Was pretty good. Had a vinagar sauce. Suppose to be a North Carolina base sauce. The meat was great. This resturant use to be the old Broadways Barbecue. They still have the barbecue potato on the menu but the meat itself is cooked different. I think the owner is a Alabama fan. It is decorated with different Alabama items. Some coworkers were telling me about Saw's and thought I would check it out.

Here is a link:

Also, check out the bakery a couple of shops down. My coworkers told me of this too. They had the best tasting cupcake I have ever had. The
shop is called Dreamcakes. The owner use to work for Southern Progress.
On a sidenote, I hit Todd's Smokehouse in Vernon today. It was worthy of mention, and they sell gas, too, so you can top off your tank while gettting your pork pulled, ribs tickled or brisket compromised.


I'll try it out the next time I'm in Homewood. But I'll have to go there alone because any time I'm in Homewood, and the Mrs. is with me, she always insists on eating at The Pawpaw Patch.
We both like good Q, but neither of us are fans of vinegar sauce.
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At the same time, if you ever find yourself in a little town on Hwy 25 in AL called Wilsonville, and you run up on a little BBQ joint called DJ's, don't stop. Just keep going, because you're better off settling for a pack a crackers, a candy bar and a Coke than wasting your money on what the owners of this place try to pass off as food.
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