| LIFE For Sale

I feel for you. I was on notice last year just working down to severance day. Luckily my company got sold and the new owners wanted me specifically so I got to stay on. That time up until that being announced was hell as they kept moving my date with short notice.
Sold today. Actually traded to my wife's chiropractor to even out a bill.
Man, I hate for you. Anything we can do?
Appreciate the kind thoughts. Start a new position next Monday. I got severance pay anyway. Just stressful being out of work.

I’ve been there. The company I was with closed anc I took a convenience store manager position. I was making 60 k a year. It hurt to go to 40k. I’ve been with them 14years now and making a pitiful 50k. It gets the bills paid but it ain’t fun. I actually hate the company but at 55 years old it’s hard to find a job for what I’m making right now.
Sold today. Actually traded to my wife's chiropractor to even out a bill.
Man, I hate for you. Anything we can do?
Appreciate the kind thoughts. Start a new position next Monday. I got severance pay anyway. Just stressful being out of work.

I’ve been there. The company I was with closed anc I took a convenience store manager position. I was making 60 k a year. It hurt to go to 40k. I’ve been with them 14years now and making a pitiful 50k. It gets the bills paid but it ain’t fun. I actually hate the company but at 55 years old it’s hard to find a job for what I’m making right now.
Amen brother. I'm 57 and my body is getting torn old for too & die work. I've been management for 20 years and when profits go south us middle managers are first to get cut.
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