| CURRENT EVENTS Flashback Dems, Media Predict Mueller Probe Results in Impeachment, Prison

This isn't the end. They are already hanging their hats on more investigations. And now some are saying Mueller is part of the cover-up. Once you have determined what result you want you are always more than happy to find new ways to get there, even if you have to delve into make-believe.
This may be something I've missed due to not watching a lot of TV news coverage. The majority of what I follow is in print (with an occasional search to see video.)

One of the stories that catches my attention is how this is being reported. "There was no collusion that effected the presidential election." Alright.

However, what I've not seen mentioned is the collusion stories did affect an election--the mid terms.
The stories will continue to impact the 2020 election also, but possibly not in the way the media intend. I could definitely see the continued pushing of the investigations as backfiring on the Democrats. If no collusion was found and that is the thing you have been harping on for 2 years, then how can you suddenly change to some other target without playing into the idea that this is all a witch hunt?
Everyone has broken some law. You are lucky if you don't break one every day. If we investigated any politician this hard I can promise we would find every one of them did something illegal enough to go to jail for. Biden has got to hope the Ukraine corruption probe doesn't open back up on him as that would destroy him. For those not in the know, he used his position as VP to pressure the Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating a company related to his son. He threatened that Obama would pull loans to the country if they didn't do what he wanted. Biden himself has admitted to it publicly and the Ukraine has largely backed that up.
The tables have already begun to turn against the Democrats and the MSM. With P Trump about to declassify many secret, hidden or redacted FBI and State Department documents and an investigative report about to drop on Comey and also the IG Horowitz report about to fall in the next month or so, major shit is about to hit the tornado like fan. This is what the SGT Report video above is about.
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