Financial world shaken by 4 bankers' apparent suicides in a week

I have a friend that works for a firm in Wall Street and he told me one time not to work on Wall Street unless it's in an executive position or at least a higher ranked position because the work is super stressful and the hours are insanely long.
Washington state, Bangkok, London? Too vast to be related. Depending on the position, economy and condition of the particular institution, banking can be extremely stressful. If caught hiding problems or with your hand in the cookie jar, banker suicides do happen, even in small town banks. Insurance agents on the rocks have resorted to the same permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I believe that, regardless of the position, when you place too much of your self-worth in your profession and let your ego get out of control, a reversal of fortune can shake you to the core and put rash thoughts of desperation (dishonesty, theft and ultimately suicide) in a person's head. When I've been involved with crooked bankers, some evolve from initial face saving maneuvers that get out of control. Others were looking for a score from the start. I've only had a few commit suicide ahead of jail, though. Most face the music. My most recent favorite is Aubrey Lee Price. He took the middle ground - made it look like he committed suicide and then went on the lam. We never thought he actually killed himself, and he was caught New Years Eve at a traffic stop after 18 months of hiding. As Lucas Jackson would say, it was top flight police work.


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