| LIFE Ever noticed how many Trump articles are on the news these days...

well, the media is full of liberals and all they care to talk about is their "enemy". they don't have any real news to report (or even know HOW to report real news).
Billary recently spoke about how white women felt pressure to vote for Trump. I have a number of white female friends on fb who begged to differ. People just do not trust Billary; and with articles as you have pointed out, that idea just blows the fourth estate's mind.
Democrats tried to foist a putrid candidate upon the nation, so I was forced to vote for my thirteenth favorite Republican candidate. I'm glad his appointees are carrying the water for reasoned, conservative causes. Trump, however, behaves like an egocentric narcissist. All politics aside, the Obama "unpresidential" behavior - not actions - OTHER than his international apology tour, pales to Trump's theatrics. It truly is embarrassing.
Democrats tried to foist a putrid candidate upon the nation, so I was forced to vote for my thirteenth favorite Republican candidate. I'm glad his appointees are carrying the water for reasoned, conservative causes. Trump, however, behaves like an egocentric narcissist. All politics aside, the Obama "unpresidential" behavior - not actions - OTHER than his international apology tour, pales to Trump's theatrics. It truly is embarrassing.

spot on with those assessments.

i'm interested to see who the other candidates will be in 2020.
I believe a lot of what you see in Trump is real Trump. But some of what you see and hear is "side show" designed to keep hidden what is going on behind the scenes. According to some of my research, there is tons of stuff that for now needs to stay hidden, and may start coming out ,little bits at a time , after the Inspector General's report comes out, which is already past due. I think sh-t is about ready to be scattered, smothered and cover a lot of people when it hits the fan. Draining the swamp is not just a metaphor and this is why the Left and the Left controlled MSM is scared of him and have devised all sorts of scams to oust him from office. BTW, there are alligators from both the Left and Right in the swamp. There is tons of corruption in Federal and all government and it would be a blessing for every Amrican if Trump can get rid of some of the bad guys.
I remember a Political Science professor in college said a good checklist for determining who to vote for in a national election was to pick the "sorriest S.O.B. running."

In our last election there were several to choose from unfortunately.
The media has covered Trump so much because he is always saying or doing something stupid on a daily basis. Fox News is too busy hanging off his nuts to report on anything else of substance and CNN, MSNBC, etc are too busy trying to get him out of office to report on anything of substance.

Off subject, but I was and still am that Trump and Clinton were the two best this country could come up with
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