| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Despite being their 2nd highest rated show, ABC cancels Last Man Standing. Care to guess why?


Quite a few opinions on why it was canceled.

It should have been kept on the air for no other reason than ...


BTW, if you haven't noticed, Ephraim is in the middle of an arc on Brockmire.
of course they're gonna cancel it. one of the main actors didn't agree with their views. so instead of staying out of politics, which is what hollywood should ALWAYS do, they just cancel a show so they don't have to deal with the actor on a daily basis. they can just get rid of him like the scared bitches they are.

fuckin' liberals, man.....
they just cancel a show so they don't have to deal with the actor on a daily basis.
ABC doesn't have to deal with them on a daily basis. It's a 20th Century Fox production that ABC buys per episode as I understand this.

Now, the cost from Fox may have increased but we're not hearing that--we're hearing "scheduling conflict."

FWIW, ABC gets the vast majority of the advertising revenue. So, for its second rated show... a bit of money they're losing.
of course they're gonna cancel it. one of the main actors didn't agree with their views. so instead of staying out of politics, which is what hollywood should ALWAYS do, they just cancel a show so they don't have to deal with the actor on a daily basis. they can just get rid of him like the scared bitches they are.

fuckin' liberals, man.....

How can you honestly say "Hollywood stay out of politics" when you're arguing that a show you liked, that constantly talked about political issues, shouldn't have been cancelled? How can you even argue that lol

Now what was the true reason it was cancelled? I have no idea but making the argument that "Oh its because Tim Allen is a conservative" is such a lame argument (that only stems from Allen making those claims) considering the shows been on for like 6 or 7 years. They waited that long why? The entire show is based around his character being a "strong conservative" and showing how dumb his liberal daughter/son-in-law is.

My dad loves the show but everytime I tried to watch it, it was like a shitty version of Home Improvement without the actual comedy so I never could get into it (then again there are very few TV shows/sitcoms that I can get into these days).
How can you honestly say "Hollywood stay out of politics" when you're arguing that a show you liked, that constantly talked about political issues, shouldn't have been cancelled? How can you even argue that lol

Now what was the true reason it was cancelled? I have no idea but making the argument that "Oh its because Tim Allen is a conservative" is such a lame argument (that only stems from Allen making those claims) considering the shows been on for like 6 or 7 years. They waited that long why? The entire show is based around his character being a "strong conservative" and showing how dumb his liberal daughter/son-in-law is.

My dad loves the show but everytime I tried to watch it, it was like a shitty version of Home Improvement without the actual comedy so I never could get into it (then again there are very few TV shows/sitcoms that I can get into these days).

well, i didn't say that. what i actually said was, "so instead of staying out of politics, which is what hollywood should ALWAYS do,....." i never said for hollywood to stay out of politics, i said they should stay out of politics. i can't tell them what to do. i don't own hollywood or any of the tv/movie studios. all i can say is what i think they should do.

and yes, they talked about political issues on the show. but the show, itself, isn't based on real life. it's a show about fictional characters in fictional situations, no matter how real they seem to be about a person, place, event, or time. so if Tm Allen were a democrat and the show still got cancelled, would it be for the same political reasons?

and yes, i can't stand liberalism and democrats. i'm a card-carrying member of the NRA, a Republican, and i support the Constitution. and i definitely support the Bill of Rights.....not just the ones with which i agree. and yes, i know no one mentioned this, but i just wanted to put it out there in case anyone was fuzzy on some details. i do not wish to get into a political argument with anyone. but i will also not sit idly by when someone misquotes me.
But, Roseanne is coming back and with a dead Dan too!

Dont pretend like you dont wanna see that...

well, i didn't say that. what i actually said was, "so instead of staying out of politics, which is what hollywood should ALWAYS do,....." i never said for hollywood to stay out of politics, i said they should stay out of politics. i can't tell them what to do. i don't own hollywood or any of the tv/movie studios. all i can say is what i think they should do.

and yes, they talked about political issues on the show. but the show, itself, isn't based on real life. it's a show about fictional characters in fictional situations, no matter how real they seem to be about a person, place, event, or time. so if Tm Allen were a democrat and the show still got cancelled, would it be for the same political reasons?

and yes, i can't stand liberalism and democrats. i'm a card-carrying member of the NRA, a Republican, and i support the Constitution. and i definitely support the Bill of Rights.....not just the ones with which i agree. and yes, i know no one mentioned this, but i just wanted to put it out there in case anyone was fuzzy on some details. i do not wish to get into a political argument with anyone. but i will also not sit idly by when someone misquotes me.

What do you mean they didnt talk about real life? He name dropped Obama constantly on that show, at least the episodes I saw.

Again, Allen has always been a conservative yet that show was on ABC for seven years... and I have no idea if it would have been cancelled. I've already said I dont know what the true reason is or could be.

I cant stand conservativeism (for the most part) nor Republicans (and most democrats for that matter), I think the NRA is a scumbag organization, I support the constitution and I support the bill of rights too. Why does any of that matter? I have no clue but you brought it up. And I didn't misquote you. You said Hollywood should stay out of politics in response to you claiming a show was cancelled because it was bringing politics into Hollywood. You're contradicting your entire argument. If your claim is this show got cancelled for their constant digs at liberals (which by the way there is no actual evidence of other than Tim Allen's whiny rant on a talk show) isn't that exactly what you want?
Dont pretend like you dont wanna see that...

What do you mean they didnt talk about real life? He name dropped Obama constantly on that show, at least the episodes I saw.

i never said they didn't talk about real life. i said it wasn't based on real life. i said it was a show about fictional characters in fictional situations, no matter how real they seem to be about a person, place, event, or time.

I cant stand conservativeism (for the most part) nor Republicans (and most democrats for that matter), I think the NRA is a scumbag organization, I support the constitution and I support the bill of rights too. Why does any of that matter? I have no clue but you brought it up.

correct , i did bring it up. but at the beginning of that statement i also said "i know no one mentioned this, but....."

i wasn't trying to say you, or anyone else here, didn't support the Constitution. i don't know who on this board does or does not support the Constitution. and i don't care. that's their right. if they don't support it, that's fine. i don't agree with it, but i will respect and defend their right to do so.

and the NRA has done some questionable things, but i'm still a member and will continue to do so until such a time as i deem necessary to stop supporting them.

And I didn't misquote you. You said Hollywood should stay out of politics in response to you claiming a show was cancelled because it was bringing politics into Hollywood. You're contradicting your entire argument. If your claim is this show got cancelled for their constant digs at liberals (which by the way there is no actual evidence of other than Tim Allen's whiny rant on a talk show) isn't that exactly what you want?

you did misquote me. you said i said something, which i did not say. and no matter how you say i said it, if you don't quote it exactly like i said it, then that is, indeed, a misquote.

and how can saying hollywood should stay out of politics and me claiming a show was cancelled because it was bringing politics into hollywood contradicting myself?

and yes, it was posted in a "heat of the moment" situation. but i still stand by what i said. i posted it, i make no arguments against that fact, and i stand behind what i said.

Don't worry, Tim Allen; Deputy Matt has your back.

A petitioner going by the name of Deputy Matt has launched an online petition calling for a boycott of ABC, in response to the cancellation of Allen's sitcom "Last Man Standing" by the network.

The Change.org petition titled "Save Tim Allen's Show 'Last Man Standing'" says that the recently axed comedy "stands out in the sea of network television sitcoms. It is a show that appeals to a broad swath of Americans who find very few shows that extol the virtues with which they can identify; namely conservative values."

The petition adds, "'Last Man Standing' is one of the only shows on broadcast television, and the only sitcom, that is not constantly shoving liberal ideals down the throats of the viewers. And sadly, that is likely the real reason the show has been cancelled."

Last Man Standing - Find Full Episodes Online. | yidio.com
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ABC announced the cancellation of "Last Man Standing" after six seasons last week.

"The intent of this petition/boycott is to attempt to get ABC to renew the show. With that in mind, I will no longer be watching any ABC shows. I have cancelled the DVR settings for the other ABC shows that I regularly watch. If you want to help try to save Last Man Standing, I encourage you to do the same," the petition continues.

"Even if you are not willing to boycott the network, but still want to save the show, please sign this petition and share it. If you do plan to boycott ABC, please say so when you sign. Let them hear our voices."

The cancellation followed controversial remarks made by Allen about free speech and Nazism. In March, Allen -- who is a Republican -- said on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" that "you gotta be real careful around here" because "you'll get beat up if you don't believe what everybody believes."

"It's like '30s Germany," he added.

The chain of events caused some to wonder if his statements and the cancellation might be connected.

"No doubt Tim Allen's political views factored into decision. I hear there's an 8pm slot available on Fox Tim!" one observer wrote on Twitter.

Last Man Standing

No doubt Tim Allen's political views factored into decision. I hear there's an 8pm slot available on Fox Tim!

- MYERS (@2112marc) May 10, 2017

So far, the online petition has gathered more than 44,000 signatures, out of its goal of 50,000.

A Liberal rag weighs in.

Don't worry, Tim Allen; Deputy Matt has your back.

A petitioner going by the name of Deputy Matt has launched an online petition calling for a boycott of ABC, in response to the cancellation of Allen's sitcom "Last Man Standing" by the network.

The Change.org petition titled "Save Tim Allen's Show 'Last Man Standing'" says that the recently axed comedy "stands out in the sea of network television sitcoms. It is a show that appeals to a broad swath of Americans who find very few shows that extol the virtues with which they can identify; namely conservative values."

The petition adds, "'Last Man Standing' is one of the only shows on broadcast television, and the only sitcom, that is not constantly shoving liberal ideals down the throats of the viewers. And sadly, that is likely the real reason the show has been cancelled."

Last Man Standing - Find Full Episodes Online. | yidio.com
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ABC announced the cancellation of "Last Man Standing" after six seasons last week.

"The intent of this petition/boycott is to attempt to get ABC to renew the show. With that in mind, I will no longer be watching any ABC shows. I have cancelled the DVR settings for the other ABC shows that I regularly watch. If you want to help try to save Last Man Standing, I encourage you to do the same," the petition continues.

"Even if you are not willing to boycott the network, but still want to save the show, please sign this petition and share it. If you do plan to boycott ABC, please say so when you sign. Let them hear our voices."

The cancellation followed controversial remarks made by Allen about free speech and Nazism. In March, Allen -- who is a Republican -- said on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" that "you gotta be real careful around here" because "you'll get beat up if you don't believe what everybody believes."

"It's like '30s Germany," he added.

The chain of events caused some to wonder if his statements and the cancellation might be connected.

"No doubt Tim Allen's political views factored into decision. I hear there's an 8pm slot available on Fox Tim!" one observer wrote on Twitter.

Last Man Standing

No doubt Tim Allen's political views factored into decision. I hear there's an 8pm slot available on Fox Tim!

- MYERS (@2112marc) May 10, 2017

So far, the online petition has gathered more than 44,000 signatures, out of its goal of 50,000.

A Liberal rag weighs in.

Okay, Im not going to pretend like I watch a ton of sitcoms... but what fuckin sitcom "forces liberal agendas down peoples throats." Thats just stupid. And the funny thing is I've never heard one person whine about Tim Allen's show forcing conservative bullshit down peoples throats.

Their stance on fiscal policies, or their stance on moral issues?

Should have stated the perversion of the label "conservative" the Republican party has adopted... many Republicans are sound more like fascists than anything else these days...

Which part?

From merriam-webster.

View attachment 6752

I find it very interesting you have an issue with me saying that I cant stand conservatism but had no issue with him saying he hating liberalism. Why did you nor Terry take issue with that?? Which part of it do you guys hate?

@sk33tr What part of liberalism is it you hate?

looking past the fact that i said i can't stand it, not that i hate it. and yes, i realize they're synonyms. but it is a pet peeve of mine when i (or anyone else, for that matter) gets "quoted" and the quote isn't what the original person said. sorry to keep harping on this point; like i said, it's a pet peeve of mine.


i don't like their ideas of big government. and i obviously don't like their ideas on gun control.
Should have stated the perversion of the label "conservative" the Republican party has adopted... many Republicans are sound more like fascists than anything else these days...
Throwing around the tag "Fascists" and grouping "many Republicans" in the same sentence is one of the reasons you'll find a lot holding animosity towards the "liberals."

Now, by your statement I'm assuming you're referring to some of their social platforms. What've you said here has nothing to do with a fiscal, conservative policy. Am I assuming correctly?

Why did you nor Terry take issue with that?? Which part of it do you guys hate?

Hold on, Chico.

I don't even use the word hate when talking about Georgia and Tennessee.

The only time you've seen me comment about any social issue is in the recent ESPN thread where I stated ESPN was too heavily socially (and politically) oriented. It was my contention that is a part of their demise.

Back up before you start placing me in one group or another. I've never stated such. You've never asked.
Throwing around the tag "Fascists" and grouping "many Republicans" in the same sentence is one of the reasons you'll find a lot holding animosity towards the "liberals."

Now, by your statement I'm assuming you're referring to some of their social platforms. What've you said here has nothing to do with a fiscal, conservative policy. Am I assuming correctly?

Hold on, Chico.

I don't even use the word hate when talking about Georgia and Tennessee.

The only time you've seen me comment about any social issue is in the recent ESPN thread where I stated ESPN was too heavily socially (and politically) oriented. It was my contention that is a part of their demise.

Back up before you start placing me in one group or another. I've never stated such. You've never asked.

Why? Its what I believe. I didnt say all or even most. Just like I would say MANY liberals are whiny little pussies that get their feelings hurt at the most mundane shit. Many... not all... not most...

If we are gonna talk about fiscally conservative, we have to set some ground rules here. What is fiscally conservative in 2017? Because I hear a shit load of people that think spending trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars on an already bloated defense budget... that aint fiscally conservative. Taking money away from schools and social programs would be technically "fiscally conservative" and I am damn sure against that. But Im also reasonable and think there is billions upon billions that we waste and would absolutely love to see someone actually come in and clean that up. That doesnt mean cutting the richest of the riches taxes, gutting social programs or taking away minuscule shit like money for NPR or the arts so that we can build a wall or spend even yet more on the military.

My point at the end, was more so why you had such an issue with me saying i dislike conservatives but not for someone else saying they cant stand liberals. I dont know whether you like or dislike liberals, dont really care either. Its not my business nor do I think it matters.
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