Dangers in Well-Done Steaks

bama alum

I don't know you would want all the flavor cooked out of them anyway...


People Who Eat Steak Well-Done Don't Just Have Bad Taste, They're Also Going To Die

Beth Buczynski
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As a server I cringed every time a customer ordered a well-done steak. Why turn a beautiful piece of beef into a hunk of blackened leather like that? Now--AT LONG LAST--there's some science to back me up.
According to a growing pool of research, eating too much well-done steak could be detrimental to your health.

Source: agrilifetoday
See burning food (let's be honest, "well-done" means "over cooked") creates compounds known as glycotoxins.
Source: cheezburger.com
According to research published by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in the US, eating a diet that's high in glycotoxins could be a cause of long-term mental ailments including Alzheimer's.

Source: basheertome
In the first phase of the study, researchers found that mice raised on a diet high in glycotoxins (specifically a type called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs), "were more likely to develop dementia-like cognitive and movement problems as they aged than mice fed a low-glycotoxin diet," reports ScienceAlert.

These glycotoxin-munching mice also displayed increased amounts of amyloid beta proteins in their brains. These are the sticky proteins that are often found in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease.
When the study moved from mice to men, the results were worryingly similar.
Source: digg.com
After lab trials on mice, the research team monitored the amount of AGEs in the blood of 93 New Yorkers aged over 60 for a period of nine months. They found that participants who ate more glycotoxins (i.e burned food) had more AGEs in their blood over the course of the study and thus experienced more cognitive decline than their peers.
Although this was a small study, the researchers believe there's enough evidence to suggest that eating rarer meat could offer a simple way to reduce the risk of dementia and metabolic syndromes as we age.

Source: anotherpintplease
"These studies are only preliminary and more evidence is required in the form of large scale epidemiological studies before we start recommending how to best cook our food," Michael Woodward, a dementia researcher from Austin Health in Australia, told Dementia News.
"However, this study further adds to a growing body of evidence that suggests what you eat - for example highly fatty, fried and processed foods can be linked to diseases such as dementia, diabetes and cardiovascular disease," he added.

So please, for the love, stop killing your steak. Or it's gonna kill you back. And if you can't handle the pink, there's always turkey.
LOL. I'll never understand why people like them well done. My wife's parents like them that way, I usually joke around with them that I'm not ruining their steaks on my grill when they are in town.
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LOL. I'll never understand why people like them well done. My wife's parents like them that way, I usually joke around with them that I'm not ruining their stakes on my grill when they are in town.

My in-laws are the same way. Drives me crazy. Over the years, I've gotten my wife down to, "medium well". Quite the accomplishment...
I was one that had to have his meat done. Now being, marry for 42 years and my wife and her family didn't like well done. I have adjusted the way I eat it now I still won't eat it rare. but, I will eat it medium rare. Our daughter will have to stab the steak just to make sure it not moving. :D Another thing is steak sauce, it almost gone from my steak now.
Whatever, I like it well done and I guess I'll just die because I'd rather enjoy the steak the way I like it than try to eat something that feels like you're chewing on gum (medium rare).

I like it either well done or medium well.
I like my steak medium, and of all the ways I judge and stereo type people, how they order and eat their steak is not one of them. I am waiting for the day my wife and I order steaks and some stranger from another table says something smart-ass about it.
I already have the bail money saved up.
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