Colorado replaced the 420 mile marker on I-70...


...too rich not to share.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Colorado replaced the 420 mile marker on I-70 with a 419.99 sign to stop it from being stolen: <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; John Infante (@John_Infante) <a href="">January 11, 2014</a></blockquote>
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I really need to make a trip to Colorado... Always wanted to see those mountains... :icon_eek:

Its funny you mention that, around here its either Colorado or New Mexico for skiing. Wondering how much this will impact some parents decision to go to Colorado this year, where there will be other parents who will go to Colorado this year. Non residence get a quarter legally...holy smokes!
OK, tell this old man, what the deal with the sign? I know it's got something to do with the marijuana law that just pass? Maybe?

420 is like the "Roll Tide" of potheads. April 20th (04/20) is "National Smoke Out Day" where all potheads are supposed to toke up at 4:20 PM. Anytime someone says something like "time for some 420" it means its time to get high lol Ever since I was a teenager any road sign that had "420" on it was stolen just as quick as they would put em up because potheads wanted to have 420 signs in their bedrooms.
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