| FTBL Coach Cochran


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I believe Coach Cochran is going to be one of the big differences makers this year, not only with the offseason conditioning but in season as well. I remember Shula coming in and firing a great strenght coach to so he could hire a Pilates expert. Bama was physically abused Shula's last year. Looks like we are back on solid ground in that department. This guy is nuts. My favorite quote from him. "I'm all day, baby!" Great stuff.
Red_Tsunami said:
I believe Coach Cochran is going to be one of the big differences makers this year, not only with the offseason conditioning but in season as well. I remember Shula coming in and firing a great strenght coach to so he could hire a Pilates expert. Bama was physically abused Shula's last year. Looks like we are back on solid ground in that department. This guy is nuts. My favorite quote from him. "I'm all day, baby!" Great stuff.

Rocky was no "pilates" coach.

But, as much as Rocky wanted to work those teams to the bone he had NO support from the coaching staff. It went to the point where Con actually came up with his own workout routine for the OL and Rocky was pissed off when he went over the schedule. (not to mention workouts weren't "mandatory")

This one doesn't fall on the S&C coaches, it falls on the "on the field" coaches. The kids that were in shape were in shape of their own doing and working with Rocky...not working with the "program" Shula and the staff had laid out.
Red_Tsunami said:
Sorry, I was refering to Kent Johnston.

Aaahhh. Now, your post makes sense to me.

Johnson found himself handcuffed as well. He did a pretty good job when he was in the NFL by the reports I read when he was hired.

Caldwell made a comment yesterday about a question Pendry had posed to the OL asking "if they felt they could last 80 plays a game." He said only about half of the team raised their hands.

I didn't take that as bad news, after all, how many offenses run 80 plays in a game? But, it did remind me that it has taken over a year to get this team in shape. That goes to show how lax the S&C program had become. Sickening!
Caldwell made a comment yesterday about a question Pendry had posed to the OL asking "if they felt they could last 80 plays a game." He said only about half of the team raised their hands.

Was he asking all the OL or the starters? If he asked about 20 of them and half raised their hands and the starters were in that half, then that might not be so bad. Ha ha.
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