A snowflake is now defined by someone who supports democracy? That's the root here, Josh, and by your response am I to conclude you still don't know anything about what's going on over there?
Literally, we have a duplicitous and hypocritical NBA kowtowing to a murdering communist regime and you're choosing to take a side that's against those voicing frustration and contempt for their actions?
What really shocks me here is you're taking the defensive side to a discussion siding with a country who disagrees with everything you believe and espouse.
What gets me as well is a lot of those saying "athletes shouldn't be speaking on political issues" are saying such because those opinions voiced by said athletes aren't the most thought out of opinions. Some would, I dare say, rather have then be quiet than be exposed to their uninformed and often ridiculous view points.
We believe people should have the right to speak out on issues as long as it doesn't effect our paycheck- NBA.
We believe in democracy as long as it doesn't effect our TV partnerships- NBA.
We believe in human rights as long as it doesn't effect our income stream- NBA
You don't believe in anything- those watching the NBA and their stance in this story.
There is nothing more clear than the perversity found within the NBA circles at this point. They are telling their players, "shut up, dribble, and stay in your lane." That "chicken has come home to roost" and it's indefensible.