| FTBL Borges out at AU

kudzu said:
Tigrinum Major said:
In other breaking news, the Berlin Wall was torn down today.

Are you a little bitter over something?

Actually, no. Contrary to popular belief by some Auburn fans, there was about 100 years of Auburn football before Tuberville and Borges got there. And I am pretty sure we would have fielded a team in 2008 if Tuberville had left. I wanted him to stay simply for stability sake, but if he had decided to leave, I would have wished him well and started talking about who would follow him. Fortunately, I don't have to have to worry about that until this time next year.

I thank Al for what he did. Do I blame all our offensive woes on him this year? Absolutley not. But it might have been time to move in a different direction.
Tigrinum Major said:
kudzu said:
Tigrinum Major said:
In other breaking news, the Berlin Wall was torn down today.

Are you a little bitter over something?

Actually, no. Contrary to popular belief by some Auburn fans, there was about 100 years of Auburn football before Tuberville and Borges got there. And I am pretty sure we would have fielded a team in 2008 if Tuberville had left. I wanted him to stay simply for stability sake, but if he had decided to leave, I would have wished him well and started talking about who would follow him. Fortunately, I don't have to have to worry about that until this time next year.

I thank Al for what he did. Do I blame all our offensive woes on him this year? Absolutley not. But it might have been time to move in a different direction.

Either way, you guys picked up a solid OC. I am kind of shocked that Tubs would hire Franklin though. Tubs has always seemed to me like the type of coach that wants to sit on a lead and pound the ball up the middle. That has not been Franklin's style in the past. I guess we'll see how it plays out.
Tigrinum Major said:
kudzu said:
Tigrinum Major said:
In other breaking news, the Berlin Wall was torn down today.

Are you a little bitter over something?

Actually, no. Contrary to popular belief by some Auburn fans, there was about 100 years of Auburn football before Tuberville and Borges got there. And I am pretty sure we would have fielded a team in 2008 if Tuberville had left. I wanted him to stay simply for stability sake, but if he had decided to leave, I would have wished him well and started talking about who would follow him. Fortunately, I don't have to have to worry about that until this time next year.

I thank Al for what he did. Do I blame all our offensive woes on him this year? Absolutley not. But it might have been time to move in a different direction.

Why are you always talking about the past?

Franklin was the guy who 'told' on Kentucky in the Mumme era, right? Better be careful barners...
Tigrinum Major said:
Tider 27 said:
Franklin was the guy who 'told' on Kentucky in the Mumme era, right? Better be careful barners...

If you have nothing to hide, why not hire a whistleblower?

Who is actually going to believe no school has nothing to hide? :roll:
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