| CURRENT EVENTS BLM scumbags demand that diners at restaurant raise their fists for black power. Brave young couple retains dignity, refuses. Be that couple

It's going to reach a boiling point with some people at some point and the results aren't going to be pretty. And the media is going to ask, why did this happen??? Already starting to see more and more people starting to challenge folks on their own private property, not just out in public.
It's going to reach a boiling point with some people at some point and the results aren't going to be pretty. And the media is going to ask, why did this happen??? Already starting to see more and more people starting to challenge folks on their own private property, not just out in public.
You know what's fucked up, Bran? I read this and forgot about it until someone pointed it out today.

20. Notice the masochistic tendency of leftist tactics. Leftists protest by lying down in front of vehicles, they intentionally provoke police or racists to abuse them, etc. These tactics may often be effective, but many leftists use them not as a means to an end but because they PREFER masochistic tactics. Self-hatred is a leftist trait.

You remember who wrote that?
It's going to reach a boiling point with some people at some point and the results aren't going to be pretty. And the media is going to ask, why did this happen??? Already starting to see more and more people starting to challenge folks on their own private property, not just out in public.

If that happens here, I can guarantee you it won't be pretty. I am FULLY prepared to defend my home and my family.

If someone steps on my property to do either me or my family harm, I'll fucking kill them. Straight up...no bullshit...no cares. That's not internet tough-guy speak. That's not a threat. It's a factual promise. They better have made peace with whatever god they pray to or have called their family to tell them goodbye. I do NOT tolerate coming onto MY property and looking to cause harm or destroy.
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