| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Black Panther


Okay, I know I got some fellow nerds on here. Who else saw Black Panther? Finally saw it last night and man that was beyond awesome. If you are a Marvel or just a comic nerd, go see it ASAP. Michael B. Jordan was incredible in his role.
Good that is the only reason I think my grandson like going to watch Marvel movie.:D

lol My wife had never seen ANY of them so we've been watching all of them leading up to Infinty Wars because she loved Civil War and wanted to be caught up before that came out. I would point out Stan Lee in all of the cameos until it got to the point where she would go "Stan Lee... I know" before I could say anything lol
Yep, I saw it last week end. Really good flick. The post credits scene wasn't much but certainly links to Avengers:Infinity War.

Yeah, if I had one complaint it would be the post credits stuff wasn't near as good. It was good to see them show Bucky, though. The whole movie I was wondering if they would make mention that he had been in Wakanda ever since Civil War.
Yeah, if I had one complaint it would be the post credits stuff wasn't near as good. It was good to see them show Bucky, though. The whole movie I was wondering if they would make mention that he had been in Wakanda ever since Civil War.

I never thought they would have Bucky during the main story but apparently they did mention him to a degree. I found an article about him and the movie...

Why Black Panther's Surprise Cameo Didn't Happen Until The End Of The Movie

That was something that was always in there. It was a Shuri thing, because you know in our world we kind of figured that Bucky Barnes would be her assignment. We kind of drop the hint at that when they bring Ross in and she's like, 'Oh another one.' So, we dropped hints in there, but the idea for that, what we kind of decided, we decided was that her cracking his mental code, if Shuri's as smart as she is, that wouldn't really be a big problem. But Bucky would have horrible PTSD, he would need spiritual guidance.​
With Black Panther being the last Marvel movie before Avengers; Infinity War, many of us expected this movie to set the stage for the big team up with lots of references and set-up, and with the end of Captain America: Civil War showing us that the Winter Soldier was in Wakanda, he seemed like the most obvious Marvel character to appear. The main film, however, only makes a passing reference to him as a "broken white boy" but in the closing credits, we see Bucky Barnes with Shuri, having been apparently successfully rehabilitated.
I never thought they would have Bucky during the main story but apparently they did mention him to a degree. I found an article about him and the movie...

Why Black Panther's Surprise Cameo Didn't Happen Until The End Of The Movie

I figured they would at least acknowledge Bucky still being there. Yeah, the only slight mention was when they brought Agent Ross to Shuri to fix up and she goes, "Another broken white boy for me to fix?" or something like that. The post credit scene shows Bucky playing with Wakandan kids calling him "White Wolf" (which is another Marvel character completely, so I dont know if they are going to combine the two or what) and seemingly healed mentally.
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