Bear Facts


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You seem to have a nose for knowing some of the most obscure talent when it comes to music.

Have you ever heard of [ame=]James Dupre[/ame]? Kid seems to make it look effortless.

Amazing all this talent on You Tube with half the processed crap we have to listen to on the radio these days.
rammerjammer, I have not heard of this young man and mighty glad that you posted this video. Saying this kid is talented is an understatement.

Talk about about a smooth & effortless delivery. He certainly knows how to can cover a Keith Whitley song. His voice reminds me a little of Josh Turner's (yet not quite as low) and also reminiscent of early Randy Travis.

I'm definitely gonna check out YouTube to see what other James Dupre clips I can find.

And AMEN to your comment about "processed crap," which is one reason I have never really warmed up to contemporary country--too much of a "cookie cutter" sound for me. Do hope Dupre is able to have some success in the music business without having to compromise his sound.

Again, thanks for introducing this young man's music to me.

* * * * *

Hey ElephantStomp, that must have been some party there with James providing the entertainment. I'm sure he had the ladies melting . . .
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Factor good call on the JT/RT reference. I see exactly where your coming from. Sings it with Eddy Arnold ease.

On the chicks diggin' him, he sings what my buddy calls "panty droppers".

Elephant Stomp....thanks for posting, must have been a cool party.
Refreshing to hear that kind of sound come out of a young kid.

I stopped listening to country when it ceased to be "country" any more, so I can relate to the "over processed" comment.

I hope this young man can stay true to his talents and release something old school one day.
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