| FTBL Bama's 1st Heisman on campus now?


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Bama has never had a Heisman trophy winner, yet. What I want to know from you guys is if our first recipient is already enrolled. If so, who is it? You must take position into the equation.

Julio is an obvious choice, maybe AJ Mac eventually.
My choice is BJ Scott. He is going to be a stronger mix between David Palmer and Percy Harvin!
If we get a Heisman trophy on the way to a National Championship, I'm all for it. But I could careless about a once proud trophy that is now a popularity contest.
It is going to awfully hard for a Tide player to win it. Julio isn't going to get enough touches to get it, and I don't think any particular RB is going to get enough carries to get it. The best bet would be a QB, IMO, but even then, I think at best he'd just get an invite to the presentation and watch the trophy be awarded to someone from Ohio St or USC. I'm more interested in how many of these guys will be future 1st round picks, and from a potential standpoint, there are several... more than BAMA has had in a LONG time, and it is only going to get better in that department.
first round pics are more important to me also,(see M Barron) but I think that we are due for a Heisman. In order to be the best all-around program in CFB, I think we need to add at least one of them to the trophy case.
27 said it best. It is nothing more than a popularity contest that the media awards out to whomever they deem "worthy". I gave up on the Heisman when Peyton Manning got screwed out of it. As much as I hate UT and all that they stand for....I respect Manning and the fact that he is a heck of QB and was way more of an impact player and what the Heisman stood for as opposed to Charles Woodson.

Heisman can take a flyin' leap up my butt-hole and strain for air. ANYTHING the media has a hand in ain't worth a piss!!
I'm all for a Heisman winner, but I'm more interested in W's. I think all the guys on campus will lead us to an SEC Championship sooner than later, and take us on a run for a NC. Imma go with Chuck on this though, if we can use BJ in all the ways I think he is possible of contributing, he has the best chance of making a run at the trophy.
I'd agree with letting the Heisman stay vacant from Tuscaloosa. Championships seem to be the bar used to measure teams.

Heisman's seemed cursed anyway. As if we need more of that. Mix ESPN+Heisman and you get Bad News Bears.

I say lets stockpile Waterford Crystal Footballs.
rammerjammer said:
27 said it best. It is nothing more than a popularity contest that the media awards out to whomever they deem "worthy". I gave up on the Heisman when Peyton Manning got screwed out of it. As much as I hate UT and all that they stand for....I respect Manning and the fact that he is a heck of QB and was way more of an impact player and what the Heisman stood for as opposed to Charles Woodson.

Heisman can take a flyin' leap up my butt-hole and strain for air. ANYTHING the media has a hand in ain't worth a piss!!

Amen brother!!!

Porter said:
It is going to awfully hard for a Tide player to win it. Julio isn't going to get enough touches to get it, and I don't think any particular RB is going to get enough carries to get it. The best bet would be a QB, IMO, but even then, I think at best he'd just get an invite to the presentation and watch the trophy be awarded to someone from Ohio St or USC. I'm more interested in how many of these guys will be future 1st round picks, and from a potential standpoint, there are several... more than BAMA has had in a LONG time, and it is only going to get better in that department.

I don't think I asked for a well defined reason we won't have a Heisman winner.

Again..... Mark Ingram. :twisted:
Bama1966 said:
Porter said:
It is going to awfully hard for a Tide player to win it. Julio isn't going to get enough touches to get it, and I don't think any particular RB is going to get enough carries to get it. The best bet would be a QB, IMO, but even then, I think at best he'd just get an invite to the presentation and watch the trophy be awarded to someone from Ohio St or USC. I'm more interested in how many of these guys will be future 1st round picks, and from a potential standpoint, there are several... more than BAMA has had in a LONG time, and it is only going to get better in that department.

I don't think I asked for a well defined reason we won't have a Heisman winner.

Again..... Mark Ingram. :twisted:

If he had committed to Michigan St, I'd agree. :D
Heisman is a joke. No Defensive Players. No Linemen. Yet it still claims to select the best of all players. Its like pre-season polls, a misguide tradition that serves no value.

As it applies to a Saban coached team, RBs never have a chance because he likes RB by committee. Because he likes a balanced attack, WRs will never get the number of catches needed. A dual threat QB would be his only shot. So I ask you, do we have that superstar on campus?
Tider27 said:
If we get a Heisman trophy on the way to a National Championship, I'm all for it. But I could careless about a once proud trophy that is now a popularity contest.

Right on!

When Jim Brown doesn't get it and Paul Hornung playing for a LOSING ND gets it means the whole system is ***ked!

Example #2 Payton Manning ( I HATED THAT SOB AT TENN) vs. Charles Woodsen and Woodsen wins the system is ****ED!
Optimus said:
Tider27 said:
If we get a Heisman trophy on the way to a National Championship, I'm all for it. But I could careless about a once proud trophy that is now a popularity contest.

Right on!

When Jim Brown doesn't get it and Paul Hornung playing for a LOSING ND gets it means the whole system is ***ked!

Example #2 Payton Manning ( I HATED THAT SOB AT TENN) vs. Charles Woodsen and Woodsen wins the system is ****ED!

Exactly. The Heisman is nothing but hype and popularity.
bamascw said:
rammerjammer said:
27 said it best. It is nothing more than a popularity contest that the media awards out to whomever they deem "worthy". I gave up on the Heisman when Peyton Manning got screwed out of it. As much as I hate UT and all that they stand for....I respect Manning and the fact that he is a heck of QB and was way more of an impact player and what the Heisman stood for as opposed to Charles Woodson.

Heisman can take a flyin' leap up my butt-hole and strain for air. ANYTHING the media has a hand in ain't worth a piss!!

Amen brother!!!


I will second this Amen.
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