| FTBL Anybody watching Texas Tech and OU?

Good. Now if Mizzou can only take it to Kansas. I do believe the Missouri offense and their QB would give the Bayou Bengals fit, that is if LSU can survive Arkansas and the SECCG (they better hope Tennessee beats Kentucky 'cause the Tigers don't want any part of the Bulldogs in the Georgia Dome).

At times, the mobile & agile Ole Miss QB made LSU look very vulnerable today.
You know, I would normally root for LSU in the BCSCG, but these guys down here in Louisiana have been so hard to live with lately, I just don't know. Their favorite two teams are LSU and whoever is playing Alabama.
I've been following Alabama Football for 45 years. You people can lay blame on anybody you want to, doesn't matter. In a few yeares Saban will have a Team together that wins and everybody will be happy. Alabama has been through HELL in the last 20 years. Blame, Dubose, Shula, anybody you want to, doesn't matter. Saban is NOT the second coming of Coach Bryant. It will take him several years to put Alabama back to where they belong. Patience people, patience.
Bamsambo said:
I've been following Alabama Football for 45 years. You people can lay blame on anybody you want to, doesn't matter. In a few yeares Saban will have a Team together that wins and everybody will be happy. Alabama has been through HELL in the last 20 years. Blame, Dubose, Shula, anybody you want to, doesn't matter. Saban is NOT the second coming of Coach Bryant. It will take him several years to put Alabama back to where they belong. Patience people, patience.

What does this have to do with OU & TT?
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