| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC American Pickers?

I enjoy it from time to time. Other than the back and forth with their tatted manager, the show seems more "reality" than most. I wonder how heavily they "pre-review" the sites before filming, or if they have a bust or twelve that never get to air.
Those guys came here it took all day to film just 15 min. of the show. But that day my Facebook page blows up with photos of these guys. The place they were picking here, well you couldn't shake a stick at. I bet you over half the folk at the location didn't know these guys from the film crews. Just know a TV show was filmed here. Kids from the high school left school to be at the place. You know it's something most kids wouldn't watch. I was told that both Mike and Frank are friendly and didn't mind the pictures taking.
I enjoy it from time to time. Other than the back and forth with their tatted manager, the show seems more "reality" than most. I wonder how heavily they "pre-review" the sites before filming, or if they have a bust or twelve that never get to air.

They have a film crew come in and check things out b4 Mike and Frank come to the site. When those two come in, they are meeting the folks for the first time but have an idea what to look for.
Yes, both came to Roanoke and pick up a couple of thing from a old car dealer place. i think it a good show.

I never saw that one. The old car dealer, was the son of the old dealer (who is himself an old guy) a former Delta pilot who is active in logging/pulpwood in Randolph County?

How many years until you plan to retire, or how many years have you been retired?


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