| LIFE Alabama worst state to live in?

Brandon Van de Graaff

A defensive deity, inventor of the Concussion.
This poll has been making its way around the net the last day or so. I don't put a ton a stock in this type of thing, but I can see why it shook out the way it did. The simple fact is, for many folks around the county, they have a certain view of the south, and states like Alabama, that has been shaped by Hollywood, the media, politics, etc. Other than, "they love football" they know little to nothing about us. To many, we're are just racist, backwards living bumpkins who don't have dentists or internet access. And Alabama certainly has its fair share of problems, but man it is a hell of a place to live IMO. It has it all... 4 true seasons of weather, incredible food, nice beaches, rivers and lakes all over, mountains in the north, great state parks, beautiful women, some good universities, and yes, good football. Maybe most importantly, the people of the state care about each other (more than most others). I don't expect people who have never been east of the Mississippi or south of the Mason-Dixon line to understand any of that stuff. And I sort of hope they never do, because to be honest, I like Alabama the way it is, and I don't want them moving in and screwing up a good thing.

They also did a version with Democratss and Republicans at America’s best and worst states, according to Democrats and Republicans | YouGov

Same data though as the Methodology of both was the same (and really bad).

Methodology: 1,211 US adults were asked to choose the better of two states from a list of the 50 US states and Washington, D.C. in a series of head-to-head matchups. The poll's introductory text stated, "On each of the next few pages, you will see the names of two states in the US. On each page, we would like you to select the state that you think is the better state. You will see 7 different match-ups between states.” On each page, they saw two states with the prompt: “Which of the following states is better?” Each respondent saw seven matchups, and no respondent saw a state twice. Data was weighted to be nationally representative of all US Adults, 18+. The survey was conducted between March 12 - 15, 2021.

And once you see the D vs R data it makes sense. Republicans voted Red states higher than Blue and Dems voted Blue higher than Red. They do not mention the mix of D or R in the totals so we can only guess.

They asked 1,211 adults.....out of 209,128,094. Yeah, that's a fair representation. They should've asked about 5,000 from each state. Still, these lists are always biased and idiotic. I'd like to know what qualifying questions they asked. Were they asked only to rank them by stating which one they think is better? Or were they asked actual questions and given certain criteria (education level, job/unemployment levels, incarceration per/x number of people, homelessness, etc.)? I'd say it was probably the former. Which, again, tells me these "pols" are always biased and idiotic. They are meant to get the specific answers for the ones asking the question(s).
Every time I hear folks tell me about a trip to Birmingham, or to any of our lakes or the coast or our great golf courses, they go on and on about how much they love Alabama. I always tell them the same thing. Alabama is a terrible place to live. The steel mills belch horrible pollution in Birmingham. Our paper mills continue to dump dioxin into our waterways. And, we still break out the fire hoses. Tell all of your northern friends how terrible it is.
A few years ago they were filming a movie over in Fairhope. One of the actors was quite wary of it being in Alabama at first as he was familiar with the cliches of the south via Hollywood and such. After all the filming was done he had an interview where he said he really enjoyed being there and it was nothing like what he thought it would be like.
Wouldn't one of the qualifications be having to actually lived in the state you're being asked about? I can only voice an actually true life experience on only 2 states myself.... Alabama and Mississippi, the other 48, I have no clue as to how good or bad.
I absolutely loved living in Tuscaloosa. But I will tell you that I think I would hate living between Eufala and Dothan. Driving through there countless times to Panama City, and it just seems dry and hot. Nothing there, and that red asphalt always made it feel hotter and less desirable to me. Sorry if any of y'all just love it or live there.
I absolutely loved living in Tuscaloosa. But I will tell you that I think I would hate living between Eufala and Dothan. Driving through there countless times to Panama City, and it just seems dry and hot. Nothing there, and that red asphalt always made it feel hotter and less desirable to me. Sorry if any of y'all just love it or live there.
I agree that area is crazy hot with none of the benefit of getting any coastal sea breezes and the like. Headland might be the hottest place around. I know they used to always mention Citronelle as the hottest place (and Valley Head the coldest) in the state, but the Wiregrass is indeed hot.
I’ve lived in 5 southern states, 3 western states and spent probably an aggregate of 6 months in the Midwest

I can tell you that Alabama is my favorite southern state followed by TN followed by MS where I currently reside. The 1 state I have refused to live in (turned down job offers) was/is Illinois. I can say I will never live in Cali again. I left because of the insane cost of living in the 80’s and now I would not return due to the political and social climate

as far as southern states the only one I would resist heavily living in again would be Arkansas. I just didn’t like it
I have told yankees in the past that if it were up to me only about 6 a year would get in. I am far more tolerant of foreign nationals than non southrons.
Heh.... Northerner stops in small town rural Alabama and see a couple of elderly gentlemen sitting on a bench outside a country store. He walks over to them and proclaims this town to be the asshole of America to which one of the elderly gentleman replies, "So you're just passing through huh?" :p
I’ve lived in 5 southern states, 3 western states and spent probably an aggregate of 6 months in the Midwest

I can tell you that Alabama is my favorite southern state followed by TN followed by MS where I currently reside. The 1 state I have refused to live in (turned down job offers) was/is Illinois. I can say I will never live in Cali again. I left because of the insane cost of living in the 80’s and now I would not return due to the political and social climate

as far as southern states the only one I would resist heavily living in again would be Arkansas. I just didn’t like it
I did not like GA at all.
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