action photography question


Verified Member
what would be a reasonable camera that you can take in the stands to take pictures?

i would assume that zoom and shutter speed would be a necessity
for taking pics of a sporting event..

anyone got any info on this kind of thing? (cough cough..doemasters.. cough)
well, i would like to be able to use it all sporting events..

my daughter competes in dance competitions so that would be the primary purpose.. i am sure there are no regulations there, but it would be nice to not run into that problem elsewhere..
if i was you i would ask around the dance competitions and see what some of those parents are using, the main thing is getting enough light into the camera so all of your images are not dark and blurry if that makes sense
if i was you i would ask around the dance competitions and see what some of those parents are using, the main thing is getting enough light into the camera so all of your images are not dark and blurry if that makes sense

I've tried to snap a few at some local pageants and it's hard to get a decent shutter speed at f2.8 unless you bump your ISO up. My camera (350D) suffers from noise at anything over ISO 800.
this is the lens i have been taking most places with me, it is 5 and 3/4" long so its right under the 6 inch mark


only problem is there is only one focal length which makes it tough at times, i also keep a lens extender in my pocket to reach out a little more
5D is a very nice camera. If you're working on a tighter budget, get a 50D and save the extra loot for a good lens. I've gotten pretty good shots with a lens that goes out to 135mm from 20-ish rows up in the back of the endzone. You need a decent zoom but you'll need a fast lens to shoot without jacking the ISO too high. Get a 50D or even a T3i and spring for a kick ass lens.

I have the 50D and have used it to shoot weddings professionally. Great camera for the price. Does pics look great but for your purposes I'd stat away from a fixed lens.
thanks for the info guys.. starting to looks like i am not going to be able to get what i need.. i was thinking about spending around $1000.. not sure i want to drop a few grand on a camera right now
thanks for the info guys.. starting to looks like i am not going to be able to get what i need.. i was thinking about spending around $1000.. not sure i want to drop a few grand on a camera right now

50d is 1,149 with a 28-135mm lens. It is a great walk around lens.

You could also go to the T series for under a grand. It is possible. I can link to my Flickr page if you want samples with the lenses and camera combos I've mentioned if you'd like.
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