Accounting jobs in or around Tuscaloosa?


I hate even doing this, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any companies hiring in or around the Tuscaloosa area for accountants? I just graduated this July from Alabama with my degree in Accounting and I also hold a degree in Management and a specialization in Supply Chain Management. I am orginially from Atlanta, but while my wife and kids and I lived in Tuscaloosa we fell in love with the town and absolutely love the church we joined. We really want to be back in Tuscaloosa, but obviously I need a job. I would appreciate any help or any ears out there that may know someone or have heard something. I appreciate any and all help. Roll Tide.
I do not. I have a friend who graduated UA with an accounting degree about 2 years ago, and he tried like hell and find a job in Tuscaloosa, with no luck. Finally had to take a job in B'ham. UA always has openings that asks for degrees in accounting, but it is the very definition of a GOB network, so you either have to know the right folks, or get very lucky from what I've seen. It's worth a shot though, just check their job postings often.
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