? about traffic on I65 south of Bham...

Brandon Van de Graaff

A defensive deity, inventor of the Concussion.
I haven't traveled on 65 south of Bham to Greenville in years. Literally. I know when there is a wreck it becomes a parking lot... But I've heard that lately, even on weekends in the summer, it's at a crawl because of heavy traffic. Is this true? I was thinking about going that way tomorrow and I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons. Other option is Hwy 82 to Prattville, but I hate that road too other than Jim's BBQ which will be closed and I've heard it has a bunch of construction on it right now also.
I haven't heard anything about it that. You going all the way down to see your folks/in-laws? Or are you just going to Greenville? If so stop by Priesters and eat some pecans for me......oh and get off at exit 96 and pick up some Conecuh Sausage.
Will you bring me the wrapper from your turkey sandwich back so I can sniff it and lick the crumbs off? And on your way back from Priesters, leave the sugar coating dust on your finger tips so I can lick that off. :icon_eek:
Will you bring me the wrapper from your turkey sandwich back so I can sniff it and lick the crumbs off? And on your way back from Priesters, leave the sugar coating dust on your finger tips so I can lick that off. :icon_eek:

Folks that don't know you aren't going to realize that you're being serious...

As for Priesters, we did stop, but folks were going after the free sample like rice in Somalia, so I just aborted that mission. I'm surprised they don't have to have a security guard stationed there.
Lance acts like he doesn't have any money and lemedy million days of vacation time.

As much as he likes to take pictures, I think if we keep working on him, we can get him to buy a condo on the beach. He needs one of those 2 BR 2 BA jobs at the Phoenix in Gulf Shores.
I-65, North or South, is becoming the training ground for emergency services and for all other people to learn patience. At least once a day, there is :chat_swear:snafu that turns it into a parking lot. :c004:
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