A hike to Natural Bridge Waterfall & Cranal Falls in the Sipsey Wilderness

Several more for your enjoyment.

Cranal Creek

A bad picture of an unique waterfall.

Notice the water doesn't fall over the edge or lip of the rock. It falls through a seam about 8 feet back of the edge.

One of the places the water has created a wide gap beginning the formation of a natural bridge as the water erodes more and more of the seam.

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And a few more,

A very unique waterfall. The water flows down through a crack in the rock and has gradually cut a seam through the rock forming a natural bridge. There are a few spaces you can see daylight looking up at the seam.

Remnants of an early attempt to establish a commercial venture in Lawrence County. If you look closely you can see the axe marks where the venture was destroyed by John Law and his co-horts.

Canal Falls, even more beautiful at high water flow.

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@Bamabww it was such a joy meeting you, your wife and daughter on Friday night at Newbern's. Thanks for sharing stories with my dad. I know he was thrilled telling you about some of the things from the forest. We had a great time! Thank you also for the book and disc. Hopefully, we can do it again toward the end of June or first of July. Have a blessed Easter.
@alabama mike, the same here. We really enjoyed the meal and fellowship. I hope the pictures bring back some good memories to your dad. Heading to a sunrise service in just a few minutes. Hope you have a safe trip back to Ohio.
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