| FTBL Former Tight End coach Joe Cox..."Amari Nibalck was a “welcomed departure”

"I thought we could have a hell of a team next year, and then maybe 70 or 80 percent of the players you talk to, all they want to know is two things: What assurances do I have that I'm going to play because they're thinking about transferring, and how much are you going to pay me?" Saban told Low. "Our program here was always built on how much value can we create for your future and your personal development, academic success in graduating and developing an NFL career on the field."

See the linked/highlighted text... CNS pretty much nailed the fact that most of the team really doesn't care about what matters most, especially when getting to the next level. The dialogue even amoung Alabama Players has pretty much changed entirely. It's sad.

Nilblack didn't even learn the playbook? Why the hell did this dude even play a single play? Joe Cox should be embarrassed for even letting him see the field.
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