| FTBL Women from Alabama's national champ softball team to play alongside Wounded Warriors


The Rowdy One
HUNTSVILLE, Alabama -- Three young women from the Crimson Tide's 2012 National Championship-winning softball team are coming to play in two games Friday alongside "America's Team," the Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team.

The first game, at 5 p.m., will be the WWAST vs. Team Redstone, made up of leaders from across the arsenal. The Wounded Warriors don't need the Tide's help, but their opponents could sure use it, said Maj. Gen. Lynn Collyar, commander of Redstone Arsenal and the Army Aviation and Missile Command.

"I don't know why they're going to play with the amputees, they really need to be playing with us," Collyar said. "And if they could bring about eight or 10 of them it would be better."

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