| OT Woman who farted during surgery badly burned


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Woman who farted during surgery badly burned

(RNN) - A woman undergoing an operation passed gas, which ignited the laser being used in the surgery and burned her badly, a hospital in Tokyo said.

The woman was undergoing an operation on her cervix at Tokyo Medical University Hospital when she farted and the resulting fire burned her face, legs and much of her body, the Asahi Shumbunreported.

The accident, which happened on April 15, was not publicly addressed by the hospital until it issued a report on Oct. 28.

A group of independent investigators found that there was no flammable material in the operating room. There were no equipment malfunctions, either, they concluded.

“When the patient’s intestinal gas leaked into the space of the operation (room), it ignited with the irradiation of the laser, and the burning spread, eventually reaching the surgical drape and causing the fire,” the report stated.

Now that what I call burning a fart! :shock:
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