Please give me your opinion on why auburn has won the last 6 games against bama.
bamafan4ever said:My best guess is the fact that the Barn scored more points than we did for six straight years. I am hoping we reverse the trend this year.
I'm tired of excuses.
Rolling Tide said:bamafan4ever said:My best guess is the fact that the Barn scored more points than we did for six straight years. I am hoping we reverse the trend this year.
I'm tired of excuses.
So being limited of players because of probation coupled with poor coaching that is an excuses? I believe that to be fact.
autiger36863 said:Please give me your opinion on why auburn has won the last 6 games against bama.
autiger36863 said:That is so funny, you claim a recruiting title with out wining on the field. I love it. Please win on the field before you brag about anything. I will give you the recruiting championsip every year as long as you do not beat us on the field.
autiger36863 said:That is so funny, you claim a recruiting title with out wining on the field. I love it. Please win on the field before you brag about anything. I will give you the recruiting championsip every year as long as you do not beat us on the field.
autiger36863 said:It takes eleven,
Do you not believe you should win a game before you boast(that means brag) or are you claiming a mnc?
It Takes Eleven said:autiger36863 said:It takes eleven,
Do you not believe you should win a game before you boast(that means brag) or are you claiming a mnc?
I'll use little words for you. Re-cruit-ing is not part of a foot-ball record. It is, how-ever, a large (that means big) part of the suc-cess of a foot-ball pro-gram. Most folks say we did real good this year and we are happy (that means glad) about it. It has nothing to do with a claimed national championship, fraudulent (that means dis-honest) rings and hay-rides, or lonely, pro-bation tainted (that means stained) crowns of a half century (that means fifty years) ago.
autiger36863 said:I agree with you, you guys have a lot to be excited about. Bama will be on top, eventually. The thing that bothers me is the braging before bama wins.
How much talent do you need to beat us?
(I do not mean to be a flammer, I am trying to have fun with you guys. It is the off season, if I offend you please let me know and I will go back to my board)