Whole Wheat Biscuits (doctor recommended)


Bench Warmer
I was having a little trouble with my blood sugar and cholesterol and the doc told me to stay away from all white flour stuff. She gave me this substitute to try for 3 months. My wife now makes gravy with the wheat flour and I can't tell the difference anymore. Doc said the first ingredient on the flour must be Whole Wheat or it's not the stuff good for you. Whether changing our bread to all wheat did the job or not I won't say but my blood sugar and cholesterol have gone down into the mid range of the acceptable window.

Whole Wheat Biscuits

2 cups of Whole wheat Flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

¼ cup shortening

½ to ¾ cup of skim milk

Combine first three ingredients, cut shortening into flour, add milk, stir.

Turn onto a floured surface. Roll out to ½ inch thickness and cut out with biscuit cutter.

Cook at 500 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes.
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