| FTBL WaPo: Big Ten presidents kept return-to-school, football communications out of public eye (avoiding FOIA requests.)

These fools were NEVER upfront and honest with everyone.


When the presidents and chancellors of the 14 Big Ten universities began discussing the prospects of students returning to their campuses last fall amid the coronavirus pandemic and with football season looming, they weighed many considerations, from public health to financial impact.

But emails obtained by The Washington Post through public records requests reveal another priority: keeping their discussions from ever entering public view.
“I would be delighted to share information,” Wisconsin Chancellor Rebecca Blank responded in an email chain begun in August by Michigan President Mark Schlissel, “but perhaps we can do this through the Big 10 portal, which will assure confidentiality?”

The next day, Schlissel told his colleagues: “Just FYI — I am working with Big Ten staff to move the conversation to secure Boardvantage web site we use for league materials. Will advise.”
This is not surprising. It happens more than people want to believe especially with conversations this sensitive and that could turn into liabilities.
The Nebraska players threat of a lawsuit against the B1G would have led to sworn depositions. There's your "liability."
The Nebraska players threat of a lawsuit against the B1G would have led to sworn depositions. There's your "liability."
It is still like the on and off the record idea. These guys are trying to keep some of this off the record. Eventually it breaks down and gets exposed anyway. Does not keep people from trying to skirt around it regardless.
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