| FTBL Utterly Worried about Vandy

i aint even gonna lie man. im a lil worried. i got a friend who plays for Vandy so this would suck even worse if the upset happened.
No worries tick.If you really think about it, we can dominate them off the O-line so you know TG and JJ will get there yards.We've got Keith Brown back this game who almost single handily beat VU last year.Also, from what I'm hearing from friends I've got in N-ville it should be a 50/50 split in the crowd.We got this!!! ROLL TIDE a$#
BamaBuck said:
No worries tick.If you really think about it, we can dominate them off the O-line so you know TG and JJ will get there yards.We've got Keith Brown back this game who almost single handily beat VU last year.Also, from what I'm hearing from friends I've got in N-ville it should be a 50/50 split in the crowd.We got this!!! ROLL TIDE a$#
Sounds like we should even have the edge on the crowd. 60-40 Bama's way is what I've heard.

Keep in mind Alabama played Western Carolina last week...... Vandy put up big number's agaist.....Richmond.

It may be close at first, but this is the game you will see first hand how well Sabans 4th Quarter conditioning program worked.

We have too much Depth. Look for Bama to pull away in the 4th. Then Run away with it.


This is 2007 people....The Tide's have turned.... Western Carolina was the Spark, now its time to start this Fire!

yeah and Richmond made Vandy's secondary look like chumps somtimes. I'm not buying into the hype myself sure it'll be a rough game like always but I ain't skeered.
bamafan850 said:
There will be a lot of questions answered in a few hours.

I gotcha there...but I am just wanting someone to make me feel better. I am at work and I am a nervous wreck! :cry: 8) :shock: :D :o :evil: :!: :!:
Eli Gold just stated that there were around 30,000 Alabama fans at the game....and like 9,000 Vandy fans

hm.....We even get home field advantage.
BamaDelta said:
Always, Swamptick, always. I call it my "game-day stomach". :?

I am with you Delta. I couldn't even eat breakfast this morning. At the end of the day, we will know alot more about this team as a whole.
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