| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Unpopular Opinions Regarding Famous Bands/Musicians

I'll start: The older I get in life, the more I find Kurt Cobain's attitude to have been obnoxious. He was an outstanding songwriter, but honestly, he comes off as an edgy snob in his interviews. Likewise, I used to not like bands like Motley Crue and AC/DC because 18-year-old edgy me thought, "Oh, I don't like those bands cause they write upbeat songs that aren't about how shitty the world is." I've actually gained a lot of respect for bands like AC/DC because they are still out there entertaining their fans with a no fucks given type of attitude.... and I do enjoy many of their songs as well. They don't purposely butcher their famous songs live (like Cobain would do occasionally) to prove how anti-establishment they are.

Another One: I say this as a diehard Rush fan... Rush would've been much more famous (more than they already are) had they had a lead singer with the vocal capabilities of someone like Steve Perry. Geddy Lee's voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard when you first listen to Rush. I own Signals, Moving Pictures, and 2112, but Rush was definitely an acquired taste for me lol. To a lesser extent, the same applies to Smashing Pumpkins. Billy Corgan is probably one of the best songwriters of the 1990s, but good lord, his nasal voice can be hard to listen to at times.
Another One: I say this as a diehard Rush fan... Rush would've been much more famous (more than they already are) had they had a lead singer with the vocal capabilities of someone like Steve Perry. Geddy Lee's voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard when you first listen to Rush. I own Signals, Moving Pictures, and 2112, but Rush was definitely an acquired taste for me lol. To a lesser extent, the same applies to Smashing Pumpkins. Billy Corgan is probably one of the best songwriters of the 1990s, but good lord, his nasal voice can be hard to listen to at times.
What did they call that tour? "Stone balloon?" The red balloon tour in the late 80's...can't think of the name without going go Google and I'm lazy right now.

I saw them in MidSouth Coliseum in Memphis, TN. No damn way would I want to change a thing about that group, or that concert. Other than the Dead in ATL....best concert I've ever attended. REM is on this list. KISS. A lot of others...I mean, heck man, I hang out at the Music Farm all the time.
Van Halen was better with Sammy Hagar. David Lee Roth sucked
He still sucks. Low talent exhibitionist.

What gets me is when a musician gets so big that they think the world turns on what they say rather than what they sing. And, if they don't have much to say, then they want to talk about how their songs have deeper meanings to them. For me, the worst was Garth Brooks. Just shut up and sing.
What did they call that tour? "Stone balloon?" The red balloon tour in the late 80's...can't think of the name without going go Google and I'm lazy right now.

I saw them in MidSouth Coliseum in Memphis, TN. No damn way would I want to change a thing about that group, or that concert. Other than the Dead in ATL....best concert I've ever attended. REM is on this list. KISS. A lot of others...I mean, heck man, I hang out at the Music Farm all the time.
Hold your Fire?
I saw both live early Roth era VH in the 80s and then in 2012ish. he sucked Balls in the latter one. Sammy never sucked. I agree.

Probably the best live performance of Rock and Roll I've ever seen. Sammy can hit the high notes that even 25 year old Robert Plant had issues hitting when LZ played this song live...

This live version sounds amazing with two guitarists as well. Poor Jimmy Page had to do it all on his own.
Unpopular opinion. While I recognize all are talented, I have never cared for David Bowie, Tom Petty, or Bruce Springsteen.

Garth is the "Larry the Cable Guy" of country music. Garth started the demise of what has become of country music IMO. I think he is a pretentious douche and do not care for his music or some of his antics I have read about in the music industry.

Never cared for T-swift. When she came along as a teenager, I recognize her talent to write and perform her own music, but I was too old to care about some teeny-bopper and her crappy love life. As she has gotten older and vocal about politics and everything else.....it is apparent she is a "chosen" elite and I put her up there with the rest of the globalist elite that would have you do as she says, but doesn't prove to be a very good example.
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Hold your Fire?
Oh shit. Yep. That was it!

Man. I was partying, HARD, in those days! I went to that concert with a guy, Derrick. We took eight joints laced with coke into that concert...laughed about "Hold your Fire" when we were firing it up. No one said a thing around us...may have been because he was a 6;6", 270, and black at a Rush concert.
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