| FTBL Today, Alabama Football broadcaster Chris Stewart and his wife Christy are asking for your prayers.


Bama Fan since 1965 and counting....
Chris is back in the hospital after complications from last month’s heart bypass surgery have popped up. Christy says that her husband is suffering from a very serious infection and other issues that will require strength and time to overcome- a long road of recovery lies ahead.

Many of you may not know that Chris was one of my first interns after I arrived in Birmingham 31 years ago- I knew the minute he walked into the TV station that he would be a success. I know the focus and resiliency that I witnessed decades ago will help Chris in his fight.

Chris has been through a lot after suffering a stroke last year, heart surgery last month and now this. I know that Chris and Christy will be reading your comments, so let’s step up big and send a strong message to both. I know that our encouragement will help!
Pic via Tide102.9
Image may contain: 2 people
I have seen a few miracles where someone was healed by the grace of God and Chris’ fate is in the good lords hands. I pray that the Lords will be done for Chris and his family. I pray that what ever the Lord feels is the best outcome for Chris that he lays his calming hand of peace on Chris’ wife and family. I pray in the blessed name of Jesus Christ . Amen and amen!
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