Titus Young's testing his right to remain silent in court


just strange...


In court Friday, Young, appearing inside a protective cage while wearing inmate orange, was addressed by the judge.
"Good morning, sir."
No reply.
"Can you hear me?"
No reply.
"Are you Titus Demetrius Young?"
No reply.
The judge immediately called the attorneys into a sidebar, which became rather lengthy. During the next 12 minutes, Young stood at attention, his head tilted back, his eyes close most of the time.
At one point during the long private discussion between the judge and the attorneys, Young's father, Richard Young, called out to him.
No reply.
Hudson later said that it is Young's right to remain silent and that is his choice.
Young's father and mother, an aunt, a cousin and a man who identified himself as Young's trainer attended the hearing. After the hearing, the family members declined to comment as they walked out of the courtroom..
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