Thoughts on the passing of Whitney Houston?


Outside of the fact she's put out some real sappy music in her lifetime? OK, for all you romantics I'll ease up a bit.

Not a fan in any sort of the imagination. But, considering how badly we've seen the National Anthem screwed up over the years her performance at the Super Bowl was outstanding!

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It is sad to see a person with so much talent pass away. A person does not have to like her music but just about everyone has to admit she was a very talented singer. Drug abuse has a grip on many people, not just the rich or famous. It is very sad to see what the effects of this disease does to anyone. More people than we realize have friends and family fighting the same addiction. I pray they all can overcome!
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I was more or less a fan of her perfect pitch, you don't see that in music today. It's all about auto-tuned bs and catchy hooks. The same hooks I'll catch myself humming mind you but I digress. It's a sad story in the end because she couldn't replicate that voice for years, but I feel more sorrow for her daughter of course. Hope she can still grow up in her memory and set a good example for her generation.
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