| FTBL Those barners are a crazy bunch.


Apparently, the dictator to the West is growing tired, and his patience is wearing thin. Seems one might want to keep a close eye on T-town throughout the next six months. Said: "There are legit concern's about Sabans motivation, and his future if they cannot get on the field at some point this year. It's very difficult to tell Nick "We don't know". That really isn't an acceptable answer to Nick. But when you're dealing with something like this, its literally out of control, and that certainly doesn't mesh well with Nick".
They don't understand people who like to be prepared instead of just throwing things out there and hoping for the best. Saban will prepare and adjust as needed. He has had enough time to probably have enough various scenarios mapped out to be able to adjust to whatever happens. Gus is who I would worry about. Without the ability to actually plan past "throw it up and pray", I am not sure Auburn will be ready for anything that happens.
Coach Saban is a control freak; but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Being in control means you have control. And when something comes along that takes away that control, it throws your entire world into chaos. And that makes you feel like you've lost ALL control over everything. BUT....with the way Coach Saban is, he'll figure out a way to regain control of a chaotic situation. He'll use the chaos to the best of his ability and learn to change things to regain control. And I believe he's an absolute master of that. In a lot of ways, he's very much like Coach Bryant. Coach Bryant always had control of the program, even when it seemed he didn't. Everything he did was a chess move in a world of checkers. And we already know that Coach Saban is the exact same way. This is just another storm he has to navigate.
The Barn being the Barn. Thank god I was not raised to be part of their cult.
I mostly was.....raised around the AU cult....grandparents (dads)
were grads and participants.....mom....sisters....
Heard that shit ..... a lot....
Listened to 56 or 55 Bama-AU...with grandfather...he was laughing his ass of at AU destroying Bama...for a snapshot in time...i hated him..(..all forgiven ) ....
Thank goodness my dad and brother were bama fans...
I truely hate AU....and hates a strong word..( i hope God forgives me). but not strong enough when ur talking about AU
That whole fan base is just fucking stupid. One of them told me the other day that if there wasn't a 2020 season, then auburn would be returning a ton of experience in 2021 and THAT season looks to be even better for auburn if there isn't a 2020 season. And...lil Bo peep will be a junior with two years of experience under his belt. Hmmm...so...if there isn't a 2020 season...will lil Bo ship off to another planet and play ball with the aliens or something? Where will his second year of experience come from? And how the fuck does no 2020 season translate into an "awesome 2021" for.them? It'll be the same bunch that would have played in 2020. Lil Bo peep will only be a sophomore in 2021 with only one year under his belt....and a long separation period between his freshman and sophomore years. I guess you can't fix barner. 😂
That whole fan base is just fucking stupid. One of them told me the other day that if there wasn't a 2020 season, then auburn would be returning a ton of experience in 2021 and THAT season looks to be even better for auburn if there isn't a 2020 season. And...lil Bo peep will be a junior with two years of experience under his belt. Hmmm...so...if there isn't a 2020 season...will lil Bo ship off to another planet and play ball with the aliens or something? Where will his second year of experience come from? And how the fuck does no 2020 season translate into an "awesome 2021" for.them? It'll be the same bunch that would have played in 2020. Lil Bo peep will only be a sophomore in 2021 with only one year under his belt....and a long separation period between his freshman and sophomore years. I guess you can't fix barner. 😂

Hey! That also means Trey Sanders will have a full season of college football after his ACL injury last year. 2021 will be his breakout year!

I forget that 2007 was in the Saban era, LOL. Nick inherited a total Shula team, ergo, I count the 2007 IB loss as being under the Shula regime. From then onward, any win that those horse shoe up the ass sons of bitches had against us was a fluke. 2017 being the LONE exception, however, even that one had some weird shit going on that helped swing the momentum. But, ultimately, those shit birds lost, because they had to watch their two biggest rivals play for the national title....and watch us hoist the trophy!
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