| CURRENT EVENTS This may be wild. Project Veritas/O'Keefe has been listening to CNN's meetings and call for two months and O'Keefe announces himself during meeting...


Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe crashed CNN President Jeff Zucker’s executive call on Tuesday to reveal he has been secretly eavesdropping on and recording the daily meetings for months.

“Hey Jeff Zucker, are you there?” O’Keefe unmuted himself for the first time. “Hey, this is James O’Keefe. We’ve been listening to your CNN calls for basically two months, recording everything. Just wanted to ask you some questions if you have a minute. Do you still feel you’re the most trusted name in news, because I have to say from what I’ve been hearing on these phone calls, I don’t know about that. And we got a lot of recordings that indicate that you’re not really that independent of a journalist.”

Zucker then told his staff they’d pick up the meeting later after they “set up a new system.”

O’Keefe says he will begin releasing the recordings at 7 p.m. tonight.
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