| FTBL The ramp lady



Maybe this has been posted in the past but does this woman still attend games.. i remember like 5 years ago at the Bama vs South Florida or maybe it was Kentucky. THis was her first game people where throwing sh*t at her and then you could see golf carts chasing her up the ramp, then she screamed the whole way down as they carted her off. lol

here is a video if u never seen her
Easy man, one of our presitious members is dating her.
I don't want to mention any names but he likes tall people. :roll:
She used to hang out on the Northwest ramp. After the expansion, I was worried that she would relocate to the Southwest ramp which is close to my seats. However, I don't remember seeing or hearing her last year at all.

In '05, I ran into her everywhere. During one game, I was walking through the Quad with my sister-in-law and asked "I wonder where the Ramp Lady is?" No sooner did I get it out when she suddenly appeared coming out of a tent about 5 feet from us screaming. I never ask that question now. I just let sleeping dogs lie.
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