| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Talking in Movie Quotes

It Takes Eleven

Quoth the Raven...
How many of you have a connection with a movie that is the same as friends and co-workers, so much so that you can communicate, meaningfully, in movie quotes?

I worked with a guy who lived and died by Cool Hand Luke quotes. I think I may have gotten a promotion by replying to a numerical question with "it just seemed like a good round number".

More recently, a group of us took a hankering to "Oh Brother Where Art Thou". The big Chinese buffet at the end of what used to be Loehmann's Village in Hoover (it's the only part still standing) was our big slop the hogs buffet place. They had grilled chicken strips on a wooden skewer that were grilled and misshapen and a little burnt sometimes, but tasty. They looked just like the gopher family grilled by the guys. Our clarion lunch cry became simply, "gopher?"

My boys are fluent in anchorman, but bilingual for their old man in Forrest Gump.


I met my first wife the night of the Mississippi St. game back in '92. My roommates and I were seniors but still acted like kids. Even though we were watching the game, somehow, we wound up quoting - word for word - nearly the entire Stand By Me movie (yeah, we were in the middle of a beer suitcase :what:). It's our favorite to this day still, the movie, not the practice wife.

My former roommate and I still bounce Dirty Steve (Young Guns) lines off each other.

Eh, I'll grow up one day. :hyper:
I met my first wife the night of the Mississippi St. game back in '92. My roommates and I were seniors but still acted like kids. Even though we were watching the game, somehow, we wound up quoting - word for word - nearly the entire Stand By Me movie (yeah, we were in the middle of a beer suitcase :what:). It's our favorite to this day still, the movie, not the practice wife.

My former roommate and I still bounce Dirty Steve (Young Guns) lines off each other.

Eh, I'll grow up one day. :hyper:

now i don't believe that for one second ;).

ot: i've seen star wars (the original) so many times (over 300) that i can quote it verbatim. i have a couple friends who have seen it quite a few times as well who can roll right along with me.
I've done my fair share of having a conversation with movie quotes from time to time. It might come from Star Trek,Star Wars, Back to the Future, LOTR, The Hobbit, Top Gun, or who knows where it will come from. Once in a blue moon it might be from some obscure movie that stuck in my head.
I still have Monte Python conversations with a few friends, and Animal House lines can show up. "Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor." "Don't stop him. He's on a roll." "Seven years of college down the drain."
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