| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Star Wars Spin-off Movies


Crimson Freak
There is said to be some spin-off movies coming from the Star Wars Universe.


Here’s one of those stories you can file under “Obviously.” During The Walt Disney Company quarterly earning stockholders call, company CEO Bob Iger offered an update on the Star Wars spin off movies. He said “at least three” spin offs are now in development to be released alongside the main sequel trilogy. In previous updates, Iger and others have only said there were two.

Wall Street Journal and Variety reporters were among the outlets live tweeting the event.

Previously, Iger and others said there were Star Wars spin off movies tentatively planned for 2016 and 2018, released in the years between installments of the main sequel trilogy. Those are being written by Simon Kinberg and Lawrence Kasdan and rumored to be about Han Solo and Boba Fett. The characters are, as of yet, unconfirmed. By changing his wording to “at least three,” Iger confirms someone is working on at least one more character (Yoda, potentially) and possibly more.
In another event last year, Disney’s chief financial officer Jay Rasulo referred to these spin off movies not as “spin-offs,” but as “origin story films.” That’s why the rumors of them being about Boba Fett, in between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, and Han Solo – between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope – made so much sense. A potential Yoda origin would have to go back before any canon material exists, which is a very exciting proposition.

And while there are literally infinite awesome Star Wars spin off movies/origin films Disney could make, one I’d also imagine is going to be explored is Darth Maul. George Lucas created an iconic character in The Phantom Menace, only to kill him off far too soon. Because of that, Maul has been explored a lot in the Expanded Universe. There’s probably a good shot some of that will be ported to the film world, especially if there are “at least three” spin offs being planned. There’s also a good chance the additional films would be about new characters from the sequel trilogy.

Do you think a Star Wars movie every year is a good idea? Assuming the first two spin offs are Boba Fett and Han Solo, who should the others be?

I can't see them doing an origin movie for Boba Fett as his origin was explained in Attack of the Clones.

Here is another idea coming from bamaraider...

Would like to see a movie from the perspective of a clone, and have it super analyzed.

Here's an idea of what I'm getting at


That clone idea would be amazing just from the Clones perspective. How a clone lives his life, what he does to serve the Jedi and the empire, and like what all they go through during the clone wars. Have it all like bloody too, just to make it more interesting. You could make so much with it. When that guy tells them to execute all the Jedi in Revenge of the Sith, maybe you could see some clones a little bit skeptical on it and not wanting to as they have a personal connection with the Jedi. Some people would be a bit iffy on this idea, but it would be cool as hell.
Well the first official announcement has come. The 1st spin-off is entitled Star Wars : Rogue One. Coming Dec. 16, 2016.


If you're a fan hoping for some Star Wars movie redemption after those prequels, it's an exciting time. This December we get the continuation of the original saga with J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and we already know eighth and ninth installments will follow, but that's only the beginning. The Walt Disney Company is also developing spinoff films that will take us beyond the main core of the story. We've known since last May that the first of these films will be helmed by Godzilla director Gareth Edwards, and now Disney CEO Bob Iger has revealed both the title and the first star of the film.

At a shareholder meeting in Los Angeles today, Iger announced that Edwards' Star Wars spinoff is titled Rogue One. The project is described as "the first film in a unique series of big-screen adventures that explores the characters and events beyond the core Star Wars saga." We haven't been given any real plot information yet, but if you know the history of the word "Rogue" in Star Wars so far, it's not hard to make the logical leap that this film will be about a starfighter pilot, or a group of starfighter pilots like the legendary Rogue Squadron founded by Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles. Iger also confirmed that Oscar-nominated screenwriter Chris Weitz (About a Boy) is on board to script the film.

Now on to the star. Iger confirmed reports from last month that Oscar nominee Felicity Jones (The Theory of Everything, The Amazing Spider-Man 2) has been cast in the film, but true to recent Star Wars announcement form, we don't know the name of her character, whether she's the lead or just a lead, or any other real details. The film will begin shooting in London this summer for a Dec. 16, 2016, release date, making the wait between new Star Wars films just slightly less than a year.

Iger also confirmed that Looper director Rian Johnson is on board to write and direct Star Wars: Episode VIII, the followup to The Force Awakens. We already knew that, but Iger also added a release date to the mix: May 26, 2017, almost 40 years to the day from the release of the very first Star Wars film.
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