| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC So I joined TideSports again...

Sgt. Lincoln Osiris

Lead farmer
Since it became free again. Anybody else do the same? For those that may not know, I'm a WoolyAl transplant that found a new home here.

A mass exodus of former TS posters flocked to the Wooly when TS decided to switch to a pay site.

TS announced that they were going free again a couple months ago, so for shits and giggles, I rejoined. Lurked for about a day, and that's it.

I just got an email notification of a PM at TS from a "Ms. Blessing", with the whole Nigerian prince bank draft scam with a different spin.

How is that even still a thing? Are therr really still people that gullible after 15 years? And how did TS let a spammer like that thru the cracks? Lol.
I was a charter member way back when before Rivals took them over. We were grandfathered in at Rivals and I stuck around just because I reckon. I've resigned up but the info / fellowship available here is far better, imo.

I read your post @Sgt. Lincoln Osiris , and checked my email and I had a similar offer as well. But I know mine was real because the guy who sent it has cancer and only has three months to live. I was lucky enough for him to pick me to inherit all of his immense wealth. I'm getting the money order ready tomorrow as soon as I can to start the process and send it and a voided check from my account to his mother who is now in charge of his estate. She'll then transfer all his money to my bank account. It's the first time I've ever been chosen first for anything.

So I'm glad TS is still around. No one has ever made me that offer on RTB.
I was a charter member way back when before Rivals took them over. We were grandfathered in at Rivals and I stuck around just because I reckon. I've resigned up but the info / fellowship available here is far better, imo.

I read your post @Sgt. Lincoln Osiris , and checked my email and I had a similar offer as well. But I know mine was real because the guy who sent it has cancer and only has three months to live. I was lucky enough for him to pick me to inherit all of his immense wealth. I'm getting the money order ready tomorrow as soon as I can to start the process and send it and a voided check from my account to his mother who is now in charge of his estate. She'll then transfer all his money to my bank account. It's the first time I've ever been chosen first for anything.

So I'm glad TS is still around. No one has ever made me that offer on RTB.

Lol! Right?

I remember you.

I was Optimus Prime on TS. I switched handles to S.L.O. just before the Rivals takeover.

You may remember probably my most imfamous thread on TS. I was the one that broke the Star Jackson leaving story.... Lol.
Yeah, A couple of weeks the Ruskies sent out a lot of garbage from TS and a few people mentioned it but the mods laughed it off. They are running wide open apparently, completely opposite of the way they policed the forums on Rivals.

But what the hell, you and I are going to be filthy rich in just a matter of days.
Yeah, A couple of weeks the Ruskies sent out a lot of garbage from TS and a few people mentioned it but the mods laughed it off. They are running wide open apparently, completely opposite of the way they policed the forums on Rivals.

But what the hell, you and I are going to be filthy rich in just a matter of days.

Rich for the sake of philanthropy, of course. Lol.
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