Please read over/sign this petition!


As some of you may know, I work at Syracuse University, in the study abroad office.

"On December 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland by Libyan terrorists killing 259 on board and 11 Lockerbie residents on the ground. Of the 259 passengers that were killed, 35 were Syracuse University students returning home from a study abroad program at our London center.

As a result of this attack, Suse Lowenstein, mother of Syracuse University student Alexander Lowenstein, created Dark Elegy, a sculpture garden that captures the raw, emotional impact of this act of terrorism. As a group led by three 2015 Remembrance Scholars, we are asking for your support in finding Dark Elegy a permanent home on Syracuse University's campus."

A sad but necessary work of art was created by a mother of one of the murdered students. We are trying to give the artwork a permanent home at SU, to honor the lives lost. Please look over and sign the petition if you see fit. It only takes a few seconds, and would go towards a great cause. "Look back, act forward".
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Basically we are trying to garner support to have it moved. The sculptor and her husband would like it moved here, but we need to get enough signatures to show the administration that it belongs here (which, obviously, it does but university bureaucracy stands in the way haha).
Basically we are trying to garner support to have it moved. The sculptor and her husband would like it moved here, but we need to get enough signatures to show the administration that it belongs here (which, obviously, it does but university bureaucracy stands in the way haha).

Doesn't seem honest IMO to get signatures from people who aren't Syracuse Alumni, or people who live in that community. Also isn't Syracuse a private institution? If so this just doubles my belief that you should be getting it from Alumni and those in the nearby community.
Just curious, why is everybody naked?

Probably because in art and sculpture, nudity can make the work more powerful. Here I think it shows their bare humanity and connects them to each other and to the viewer as humans. If they were wearing various clothes, your connection is lower because you're going to notice social stratification among business suits, casual clothes, etc. Clothes are often a status symbol and a divider.
Doesn't seem honest IMO to get signatures from people who aren't Syracuse Alumni, or people who live in that community. Also isn't Syracuse a private institution? If so this just doubles my belief that you should be getting it from Alumni and those in the nearby community.

The sculpture is not just SU mothers, it's supposed to represent all mothers who lost a child in the tragedy. This is not an artwork or memorial only to the 35 SU students. 270 people died and countless families/friends were affected. The entire international education community was affected as well. The folks who started the petition are not SU students, but Lockerbie Academy students who spent a semester at SU.
Not sure how any educated person could come to the conclusion that I am either for or against this by my argument against the process in which this is done.

So your point is that only people in the local community or alums should sign the petition?

Fair enough, but that's the way of the world right now. There's petitions all over the place that people sign that they should have no say in. :shrug:
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