| CURRENT EVENTS People are calling for Bill Maher to be fired after he used the N-word on live TV


Personally, I can't stand this guy. Whether I like or dislike President Trump his disrespect for the office of President is clear.

But, I don't understand why this comes as a shock. He's known for racist comments about the Jews, the Holocaust, and what's easily interpreted as anti-black "humor."

What's sad is the amount of progressives who consider him to be a champion of their various causes.

JMO.................progressive has become a synonym for "**** for brains".
I was flipping through the HBO channels this past weekend and caught a bit of one of his commercials. His line was "President Batshit."

There is literally zero respect given by a lot to the office just like the OP suggests. Or, some of these people just lack the ability to make a comment that borders on intellectual humor. It's akin to quoting Jon Stewart to back up one's thoughts on a political issue.
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