Ok Regulars, How bout this....


Gentleman Extraordinaire
We of the woolly colors will treat this area as a normal day in the life of WoollyAl. We'll talk, act, post and start threads just as any other day. NO NUDITY, as that stayed in an exclusive area.
This "day" shall begin tomorrow morning at 7:00 AM cst.

This way you can see what your asking for.

I've seen multiple mentions of a "woolly section" from the regulars. I just wanted to give these guys a legitimate peak into the darkness.
To the point about staying here- H2H has not followed, DixieH has not followed, SLO barely post, jryanw has not followed, and I am sure there are more I can't think of right now. If Woolly is recreated, they may find us....
To the point about staying here- H2H has not followed, DixieH has not followed, SLO barely post, jryanw has not followed, and I am sure there are more I can't think of right now. If Woolly is recreated, they may find us....

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