
As the 15th anniversary of 9/11/01 approaches, please take a moment to remember those who were murdered in cold blood. My only regret is I did not pack up my gear and drive to NY.
I will however be memorialize them once again this year by participating in the 9/11 memorial stair climb in Panama City Beach. What makes this one even more special for me is that I am 6 months post total knee replacement. The event will be held at Lake Town Wharf Condos. 22 flights x 5 trips for 110 flights.
We climb because they climbed. 343.
I will be honoring them in my own way. I will pray for the family that lost those BRAVE men and women,(Fathers,Mother, Brothers,Sister, ...) that day. Also for the NY/FD too. Without these men and women much more would have been lose. and too all the ones that came off the street to help out.
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