| CURRENT EVENTS NBC contributor (a DR!) "appeared on NBC & MSNBC almost a dozen times to discuss his recovery from" coronavirus.He now admits he never tested positive

Tested 5 times while sick. Four came back negative and one was a "weak positive" (which means nothing and should not be relied on for anything). Antibody tests are negative. His reported symptoms were like COVID. Makes you wonder if we don't have a couple of things going around and they are all getting lumped together to feed hysteria.
Tested 5 times while sick. Four came back negative and one was a "weak positive" (which means nothing and should not be relied on for anything). Antibody tests are negative. His reported symptoms were like COVID. Makes you wonder if we don't have a couple of things going around and they are all getting lumped together to feed hysteria.

Almost willing to bet a large amount of money on that.
Tested 5 times while sick. Four came back negative and one was a "weak positive" (which means nothing and should not be relied on for anything). Antibody tests are negative. His reported symptoms were like COVID. Makes you wonder if we don't have a couple of things going around and they are all getting lumped together to feed hysteria.
People are receiving positive notices in the mail...people who haven't even been tested.
People are receiving positive notices in the mail...people who haven't even been tested.
This happened to a friend of mine's wife this week. She hurt her back Sunday and his daughter took her to the ER. After waiting almost two and a half hours they left. She didn't see a nurse. She didn't see a doctor. All she did was sign in and fill out preliminary paperwork.

She received a call from the hospital informing her she'd tested positive. She said, "How? I didn't take a test. I didn't see a doctor. I didn't see a nurse."

The worst part about this is I get looked at like a freaking moron because I take precautions against these things. My MIL lives with us and has COPD. I can't bring this crap home. So I do a mask and I use sanitizer when I know I will be around groups of people. Other than picking it up at the drive through and eating in the car or at home, we have eaten out one time since this started and that was a quick meal in an almost empty Mexican place for our anniversary since we went during off hours. I have a family funeral tomorrow and I will wear a mask and not hug anyone because nobody in my family takes precautions. Because the media has fed the hysteria past the point where it is believable. There is something out there that is catchable and is killing people. Maybe it is COVID, maybe it is something else, maybe it is a combo of things. If the government and media would just report it truthfully then maybe more people would get on board with doing the things that need to be done for the period of time it is needed.

On a related note, I remember teachers screaming that closing schools would hurt kids and cause them to be abused and not fed at home. Now they are screaming they can't go back to school in the fall because they aren't babysitters and the kids don't need to come to school. Is there a major union renegotiation going on that the media hasn't said anything about yet? That is the only thing that makes sense in teachers being all on one page at teh same time back and forth.
Like the reports coming out of Florida where private clinics haven't been turning in their negative test results?

I think we all can agree that the planning and actions taken to address the virus could, at best, be described as slow, disjointed and uncoordinated.

What makes anyone think the measurement and reporting would be any better than the planning and action? I see an overwhelmed patchwork of healthcare givers, with inadequate umbrella oversight/support, working harder to care for people than auditing their numbers. I do not see a conspiracy. You can always find "reports" to support nefarious suspicions.


In Florida, it was being reported that testing had 99% to 100% positive results for cv19. When questioned by some news media, they were told that it was closer to 94% positive results. Come to find out, the truth was positive results were at 9.4%. How can such a false narrative be thrown out there? Are first graders responsible for reporting these results? Or are they supposed to be responsible, professional adults reporting the results of the testing. No wonder they had an uptick in positive cases.

This carries my mind back to the last election when the election official kept coming up with boxes of new ballots found in some warehouse.
I believe they finally retired that woman. It sounds like they may need to retire a few more people. They seem to be either inept or crooked.
I think we all can agree that the planning and actions taken to address the virus could, at best, be described as slow, disjointed and uncoordinated.

What makes anyone think the measurement and reporting would be any better than the planning and action? I see an overwhelmed patchwork of healthcare givers, with inadequate umbrella oversight/support, working harder to care for people than auditing their numbers. I do not see a conspiracy. You can always find "reports" to support nefarious suspicions.



Call it what you want, but we are all seeing that something ain't right. Our daily lives are affected by this, and who benefits from a slow economy and lost jobs? There are underlying reasons behind these reporting and misrepresented numbers, not just because they were simple mistakes in the haste of treating folks.
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