| BSB/SB MLB Umpire Pat Hoberg has been fired after sharing betting accounts with a friend who bet on baseball.

For folks that don't follow MLB closely, he's one of the top umps in the league.
This is what I smell burning. 👉

To me, it's reporting that's focusing on the low group on the totem pole: we've seen more media coverage on gambling within the MLB versus other professional sports.

The NFL puts betting kiosks in stadiums and then tells their "employees" they can't wager on something unrelated to their sport? "You can bet on Notre Dame in the parking lot, but not inside the lobby."

We saw it with Bama baseball, first hand. I'm watching it now in the NBA, the MLB, and more recently college basketball.

I feel a bomb is lit...gonna explode in the faces of many.
Gambling is far worse than NIL. NIL is just ruining college sports. Gambling and the other dopamine highs are rotting society.

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Gioia is the source there? That's ... intriguing. I'm not implying it is discrediting although it certainly doesn't fit with me. Do they sell dopamine OTC? They need to because I can only identify with two of these, and then only partly.

Communication: My business emails have always been "short texts:" to the point, no fluff, and little pleasantries other than "Hi" and "Thanks." I still pen notes by hand depending on the situation.

I played sports. I watch sports. I gamble on sports. A dopamine high when I win? I can't identify here because, mentally, I've already lost that money. I fail to see the difference in spending $30 on a movie at the theatre with some snacks versus watching a game, with some snacks, and wagering $30. Same time, same money spent, and more than likely I'll enjoy the latter more so than the movie.

OH, you know I've spent some time downtown these last several weeks. I've literally spent hours looking through the galleries at MUSC: their hospitals, clinics, libraries, heck, even the cafeterias. I can get lost (time) looking at pictures in books. On my phone? Meh.
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